Inovelli lzw31-sn device driver error

New to Hubitat, longtime Vera user. installing my first device on Hubitat, Inovelli Red Series Dimmer. Documentation says to install driver before pairing. go to here:

copy and paste into new app code but get an error regarding the metadata section.

"Metadata Error:Please check if you inadvertently pasted driver code into apps code window on line 125"

I'm not a complete newb to pseudo code but syntax for whatever language GitHub uses is foreign to me. It will not allow me to save with that error. Not sure if it is just wrong syntax or what. Also, if a driver is updated, do devices have to be excluded and repaired to update the driver they use?

thanks to the community for helping yet another new user.

Needs to be pasted into Drivers Code not the App Code section.

It looks like you pasted code into Apps Code but need to paste into Drivers Code.

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Jimminy Christmas! What a way for me to start! Sorry everyone for the complete idiocy here. YUP, I was in the wrong section. Thank you so much. And so sorry!

LOL everyone here has probably made that mistake at least once. I’ve done it so many times that I don’t even get past the “Meta” before I close out and move on. :sunglasses:

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@BobBGeneric I can't tell you how many times I've done that... That said, just a note. If you have a failed z-wave pairing. STOP. Check your z-wave details page for ghosts (the device will not have a route in the routing column) Remove this entry, then either exclude or factory reset the device before attempting to pair again. Also recommended to only use security on locks and garage door stuff. Leave all other devices at no security. Your mesh will be happier for it.

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