Inovelli Blue Series Multi Tap Stopped Working

It started with one and has now spread to several other of my Inovelli Blue Series where multi taps are not being recognized by Hubitat. I've done extensive troubleshooting and I can't figure out why this is happening and only with some switches.

I have not changed the configuration of any of my switches in months and they all generally have the same configuration where they can. I.E. all my switches have **Button Press Delay (param 50) are set to default (500ms) and all are running on the same firmware (2.15) and have been since the firmware was released.

When I enable all logging (Info, Debug, Trace) I get nothing in the logs when a button is multi tapped.

Only things that have hanged are Hub and Driver updates which in theory should affect all switches but they are not. I don't make hub updates very often unless there is a reason to but do apply Driver updates when they are available. I am working to figure out what version I was on for the hub and the driver before the first switch started encountering this problem to see if a rollback potentially fixes it.

Below is a list of things I've done to try and troubleshoot/fix this with no resolution.

  • Compared all param settings between switches where multi tap is working and isn't working and verified both are configured exactly the same.
  • Run initialization and configuration on the switch
  • Restarted the hub and shut down it down for about 30 minutes then started it up again
  • Power cycling the affected switch(es)
  • Tried updating one of the switch's firmware to 2.18

So at this point I am at a loss of why this is happening and how to fix it. It was a mild nuisance when it was one switch but now it's multiple including several where I have multi tap routines.

I would try a factory reset of the VZM31-SN. Inovelli has instructions for that on the site here:

Do not remove it from your hub. After resetting the device, put your Hubitat hub in pairing mode and it should be re-discovered as the same device. (If not, tap the config button on the switch three times to put it into pairing mode if the reset doesn't do that on its own.)

I'm wondering if the switch just responded poorly to some Zigbee configuration that may have been sent to it, in case you're wondering what the goal is here -- a reset should clear that.

You shouldn't need to reconfigure anything on the device after doing this, as the driver code should remember and "Configure" will be run automatically on (re-)pairing, though it can't hurt.


Missed that one on my list of things I tried. I did try factory resetting it and didn't fix the problem. I have been able to get one working again, but replicating the results has been inconsistent.

I had tried upgrading the firmware previously but when I had I didn't do anything else but that. This time I upgraded the firmware to 2.18 and also ran initialize and configure. That seems to get me my multi taps back for the most part. I'm still having some times where it does not seem to work.

So it would seem the problem is I'm guessing some sort of conflict between the current driver version and device firmware 2.15. I had planned on updating all the switches to the new firmware at some point but given the changes to the driver are for generally things I don't need (added functionality to work with fans), I think I am going to try reverting to an older driver version and see what that does.

I rolled back my driver to the first release March 21st because it was the last release before changes that were for the 2.17+ firmware and things seem to be working better now. So I'm guessing there is some sort of compatibility issue between the older firmware and the newer driver :man_shrugging:

To clarify, you were on the 2024-05-28 driver before rolling back to the 03-21 version?

Man, there sure are a lot of moving parts lately in the Inovelli Blue f/w & driver world!!

Ah good question. I was on the version from 2025-05-13. I ran that upgrade and then was away on vacation for a few weeks and came back to find more than just the one switch not acting correctly.

I have around 50 switches so updating the firmware on them all is going to take a while. When I saw the code changes for the newer firmwares I figured running a version before that would address the issue, which is seems to have done.

I've upgraded a few switches to the 2.18 firmware and I'm going to let those run for a while to see if I have any issues. Assuming no issues there, I'll upgrade all the firmwares and then try upgrading the driver again and see what I get.