Inovelli Blue dimmer -- how to detect which paddle triggered a rule

I have an ON rule and an OFF rule for each of my 33 Inovelli Blue's configured in dimmer mode. To reduce maintenance, I wanted to consolidate to one rule per device that is triggered by either a top-paddle tap (ON) OR a lower-paddle tap (OFF), then apply rule statements depending on which paddle tap triggered the rule.

For IB's, a tap on the top-paddle registers as "button 1 pushed" and a tap on the bottom-paddle registers as "button 1 held" . The value of %value% for my ON rule is "1", and the value of %value% for my OFF rule is also "1", so that isn't a viable way to distinguish top vs. bottom paddle taps.

So the following example Rule works. An IB device can be either a switch or a button. A tap on the bottom paddle creates a switch state of OFF and makes %value% = "off", causing the IF clause to run. A tap on the top paddle ( %value% = "1") causes the ELSE clause to run.

In generating this Rule, I found no way to test %value% directly, hence the assignment to the local variable vState.

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I do something similar with webcore and my homeseer dimmers/switches. I use the double tap on some of them to control other lighting zones and wanted to simplify.

I just convert the double-tapped button number to the target device’s target switch state. I can set dim level instead by multiplying that value by the target dim level.

In your case, that might be more challenging - with lower paddle being held. What event does the inovelli show when you actually hold the top paddle? Just curious.

The "button 1 held" response to a lower tap is due to Inovelli's button-mapping strategy.

For their Gen 3 switches, that mapping can be found here... This is a helpful resource to bookmark for (in particular) setting up Button Controller rules. For example, holding the top paddle (in on/off mode) is considered "button 6 pushed"

To be clear, for the Inovelli Blue units in the rule example above, neither paddle is actually held, but only tapped. The device responds with a code corresponding to “button 1 pushed” or “button 1 held”. See the table kindly posted by hydro311

Ooh, that’s strange mapping.

Inovelli Blue -- how to distinguish multi-taps on bottom paddle vs. top paddle?

Further experimentation shows that Hubitat’s Rule Machine sets the internal %value% variable as follows for Invovelli Blue paddle taps (all values are strings):

Switch state commands
Dimmer turns ON = ON
Dimmer turns OFF = OFF

Button state commands
Tap Up on Light Paddle 1x = 1
Tap Up on Light Paddle 2x = 2
Tap Up on Light Paddle 3x = 3

Tap Down on Light Paddle 1x = 1
Tap Down on Light Paddle 2x = 2
Tap Down on Light Paddle 3x = 3

Notice the results for Up and Down taps – the same values for the same number of taps. For example, if the switch is ON and the Down paddle is tapped 2x times, %value% gets set to “2” – which cannot be distinguished from a 2x tap on the Up paddle.

So I can’t see how to distinguish multiple Up taps from multiple Down taps in Rule Machine for an Inovelli Blue.

NOTE: I know how to distinguish Inovelli Blue taps of all kinds when used as triggers, but I’m using multiple triggers on the same switch to run different conditions in a Rule. Accordingly, after a rule is triggered, I have a need to determine WHICH trigger ran the rule.

Is there a known way to distinguish multiple Up taps from multiple Down taps in Rule Machine for an Inovelli Blue switch/dimmer?