Inovelli Blue Color Mapping for Temperature and AQI App

Hello, I like that I can map each individual LED on the Inovelli Blue Switches. I wrote a set of libraries that color map either the local temperature and Purple Air AQI readings to the switch. The code is available on Github if anyone is interested. (Forum won't let me post links, sorry).

Edit: Added links. Thanks for the tip about joining the owners group!

The photo below shows an AQI on the left of ~80 and on the right we see it is a cold outside around ~36F.

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Join the owners group and you can post links and pics. Hub owners - Hubitat

Also you should talk to @csteele about having it added to Hubitat Package manager!

Thanks! I updated the post with links and sent a message to csteele. This is my first groovy program so I'm not sure if I'm doing things according to best practices.

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