Innr SP244 Zigbee Smart Plug

I installed 3 of these innr sp244 plugs to strengthen my Zigbee mesh between the hub and zigbee devices. One is very close to the hub in the next room. They have been installed for 2 days.

The devices are using the generic zigbee outlet driver and respond to commands from the device page. However, they are not being picked up as a repeater in the zigbee mesh. The are not listed in the "Route Table Entry" list and the Zigbee Map app does not recognize them in the Routing table. They do however appear in the Neighbor map as a blue dot with multiple connections.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Are you using the native/stock zigbee (endpoint) table & tools? If so, those are notoriously incomplete.

The community-developed zigbee map app is much better, but it still may show some gaps.

But bottom line, if the plugs perform properly from the device page, it's probably not worth worrying about. And it can take longer than 2 days for the zigbee mesh to settle in -- I'd give it a week or so.

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