Has anyone else noticed that their light switches are taking a long time to initialize after being discovered? I actually left for an hour and finally returned to a save button.
I usually just stop and redo the whole discovery again after 20 mins.
it does the same thing with Minimotes and Aeon contact sensors if you do a hub reboot or Zwave repair. The entire ZWave network will not transmit commands until it is done finding them either Dead or Unknown.
I think that's normal for Z-Wave devices not to function correctly during reboot or Z-Wave repair.
understood but it it taking an hour for all to work after a reboot.
If you are talking about Z-Wave then that's odd but @JDRoberts mentioned about Zigbee devices take hours for mesh rebuild so it's possible a reboot could caused this. I wouldn't think a reboot would do it since it's not shutting off the zigbee module that long. Maybe give support a shout.
I had to move my hub closer to the switch and it paired much faster. I then moved it back to it’s original location.
It's a pity. I have 5 Aeon minimotes and I used them to add Z-Wave devices to ST. I find no success with Hubitat so far.
I requested support for Minimote inclusion as well.
I can’t get any Zwave devices to even be discovered. Been working on Minimote and GE dimmer for 2 days now.
No problem with my Minimote whatsoever. Was paired easily and works great with built-in Button Controller App and Rule Machine. My minimote is a 1st gen with latest firmware.
Unfortunately, I am not having such luck. ST can quickly discover the devices after exclusion and reset. Hubitat cannot.
Did you update the firmware on the minimote?
No, I haven't in 8 or 9 months. The minimote isn't my biggest concern. It's my GE light switch to be used with the motion sensors I've already migrated over.
I hear you. I have some GE Z-wave switches that were a little stubborn. Part of the problem I faced was getting the GE Switches properly EXCLUDED before trying to pair them. You can use your old ST hub to perform a General Exclusion, and then press the GE Switch ‘On’ which should exclude it and make it ready for pairing. Make sure you turn off General Exclusion mode on the ST Hub. Now, make sure your Hubitat Hub is pretty close to the Z-Wave switch you’re trying to pair, and try again.
Until you have a new Z-Wave mesh built out, pairing devices requires the hub to be close by.
I am having troubles as well. I have been in touch with @bobbyD in support. I have been trying to pair a minimote and nothing shows up on the discover devices page, but if you go to settings, Zwave and look at the bottom you may find a new entry with no device associated. Something is definitely not right.
@MEarly could you please navigate to Settings \ Z-Wave Information and scroll to bottom to see if these devices are showing up there with no associated device like this:
I have 83 zwave devices paired and it was only recently within the past few days that I have had this issue. Fortunately I am 99% finished migrating everything from ST.
Also if you wouldn't mind, could you please email support regarding this issue? This will certainly help get the focus on it to get it fixed.
Yep. This was the first thing I noticed this morning.
I just resolved the issue with my one switch. I was skipping the ST General Exclusion step, though the device I was adding was NOT part of the list of Radio Devices under Zwave Info. There's still that mystery to solve.
LOL…unfortunately, a by-product of this morning’s Z-wave adventures was that ST lost contact with ALL my Z-wave devices.
I was able to successfully re-include a couple via exclusion and re-including, but I am not going to deal with that for them all.
Trying to figure out what’s going on now.
I am having a hell of a time
I have 3 GE plugs and 10 switches, so far everyone of them took a different sequence of events to get them to pair
One switch still won’t par no matter what. I was able to re-pair it back to ST, removed it, did an exclude and it still won’t part to Hubitat
Hub is 3 feet from the switch
Rebooted the hub several times, even did a z ware repair
Any other ideas?