Incorrect sunrise trigger time with DST change

I have a piston that opens my blinds at 30 minutes before sunrise and today they were an hour late. It looks like they're set to go down an hour late this evening as well. The time changed correctly on the hub.


Check the hub details under the settings menu. It should show the current time, time zone (standard time). your ZIP code, latitude, longitude and the sunrise and sunset time based on that location.

Check for sunrise and sunset times in your location on the Internet. The times shown for my location in Hubitat were off by about 1 minute, but that is not a big deal. If you longitude and latitude settings are not correct, sunrise and sunset times will not be predicted accurately.

If you open Google Maps and locate your home address, you can right click on your location and the appropriate latitude and longitude setting will be shown. Make sure that is what is shown in Hubitat settings. If Hubitat is using your ZIP code to calculate the location, it should be pretty close, but not exact if you live a few miles from the center of that ZIP code.

Maybe we just need to all make a rule for "Reboot hub after time change".

That would fix work around 99.95% of the DST change issues. :wink:


That's my plan going forward - I made a recurring event in my calendar to reboot those Sunday mornings. It can't hurt, anyway.

Simple workaround for a not simple problem to code around.

If anyone is interested, I made a small piston to reboot the hub after Daylight Saving Time changes. Just modify the variables at the top to your liking. When I saved it, the scheduling appears to be correct. :slight_smile:

Next scheduled: 3/10/2024, 3:15:00 AM

(Edited to update piston snapshot. Forgot the hub port in URL.)


Thanks for this idea. I updated with my hub IP address. But I tried this piston, i am getting an error message in the logs:

http error Response Status: 408 error Message: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)

Is there something I need to do to allow the hub to accept this Post command?

BTW, I tried to import your piston using the Import code, but that did not work. Any issues with that that you know about?

Here's my piston:

Hm, not sure. A 408 error is a timeout. Does it work if you add your IP address directly to the Make Web Request command?

Not a webCoRe user here, but in RM I have always sent my reboot POST commands to port 8080.

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I think you're right. I'll update my piston example above... after my hub is done rebooting. :laughing:

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Port 8080 worked. Thanks for the help.