Including Honeywell T6 Pro

Problem getting Honeywell T6 thermostat to include properly.

I've tried it with Sec2 Class0 checked and unchecked, Sec0 checked, nothing seems to work.

What's the preferred answer for this prompt?

Join w/all of the security options unchecked...many (most?) of us feel security is only needed for locks and garage doors. You definitely never want to check S0 alone - that is not a good security type to use.

But you say "nothing seems to work." What is happening when you try to include the T6?

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I get a security error message. Log below is after factory reset on the T6.

Just press OK without changing any of the check boxes. But it is important to do it quickly. If you wait too long, the security negotiation will time out and you have to exclude and re-include.

What Denny says below will work, but then you'll join w/security (S2) and depending on what checkboxes are selected you'll need to have your S2 code for the T6 handy to enter (first four digits).

I'd still recommend trying unchecking all of the security boxes (should not take more than a couple seconds and then hit "OK" on the dialog that appears after the security checkbox dialog, and you should join w/out issue. If you do want security use S2 Unauthencated (uncheck other options) and then you don't need to enter your security code.

Not using security allows you to use the advanced T6 driver that Bryan Copeland from HE developed, which gives you more options. If you join w/security then you need to use the stock built-in T6 driver. The advanced driver has a few more goodies.

The T6 is S2 Unauthenticated.

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That's good, thanks for confirming. That's the best S2 (IMHO) if you're gonna do S2. :slight_smile:

After initial inclusion, Authenticated and Unauthenticated are the same. But Authenticated has a significant advantage if you use SmartStart. If you have scanned the code in SmartStart, then the device will automatically include without having to interact with the hub UI. Using the Ring Range Extender gen2 as an example, you simply scan the code and then plug the unit in. It automatically enters include mode as soon as you plug it in. Wait a minute or two, and it just appears in your Z-Wave Details. The Aeotec Range Extender 7 is similar, except you have to press the action button after you plug it in (extremely inconvenient in my opinion :grinning:).

One thing to keep in mind if you use SmartStart though... after the device is included you will have to manually delete the entries using the app or the hub will keep dropping into inclusion mode looking for things to include. [@bcopeland, I assume this is a bug that should be fixed.]

Thanks for that detail on SmartStart...I have never used it. I had read some time ago (forget the details) about some issues w/it, maybe the one you refer to, and just kept using the standard include process I was used to. Old dog not doing new tricks, mostly. :slight_smile:

And yeah, I should clarify that I didn't mean that S2 Unauthenticated was better security than other S2 versions, just that it is easier as you don't have to know/enter your 4-digit code. Lazy-better is probably the best description of what I meant. :slight_smile:

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I don't know where to find that. I searched the box and docs. I found it for the Linear Garage controller, but nada in or on the T6 box.

DSK codes are only for devices supporting Authenticated mode. The T6 is Unauthenticated only.

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Were you able to get your T6 included properly? I just got mine and having issues connecting it to my C7 hub. It connects no problem with my other C4 hub. I have unchecked a security and it never comes up to the name your device prompt on the C7.

No but I haven't had time to fiddle with it for a few days.

I did get it installed last week, but I removed it bc it was reading and reporting but changing the Dashboard never registered on the T6 wall unit.

Now I'm in some exclusion hell because I've excluded the T6 several times but the wifi symbol still appears, whatever that means, and T6 ZWave defaults to "Exclusion" as if it's mysteriously Included somewhere. When I execute the Exclusion suggested on the T6, it seems to work and tells me "Unknown device excluded."

I'll try it again tonight after work. T6 exclude, factory reset, reboot the Hubitat and see what happens.

Have you checked your Z-Wave Details page to see if you have any devices (they'd be at the bottom of your list) that either say they are the T6, or may have limited or no info, and don't have any routing info (the last column)?

If so your failed inclusions may have left behind some ghosts you need to remove...

Thanks for your input. I'm learning to check that.

Right now I have it showing in a dashboard tile, but none of the controls work. It has read-only access, apparently..

There are two drivers available for the T6 Zwave. default and another one from djdizzyd. I've tried both, and I don't know how these interact - can I use two at the same time? Do I have to exclude and re-join to switch them?

Sorry for the many questions.

The results have been so poor I'm ready to abandon the T6 and go back to my old WiFi unit and Total Connect.