I'm a few days in on my migration from ST and after adding 5 Inovelli switches and 4 Fibaro nano dimmers, my hub stopped having successful Z-Wave inclusions and exclusions. The first 9 devices went really smooth then every other device that I've attempted since then has just timed out. Here is what I did for each device (based on guidance I read on these boards):
Attempted exclude in ST (sometimes failed), performed exclude in HE
Factory reset device
Pulled air gap for minimum 1 minute
Enable Z-Wave inclusion
Device pair
For sake of efficiency, I batched the tasks (attempted exclude in ST for 12 switches, exclude in HE, factory reset all, air gapped all, enabled inclusion, paired). After excluding in ST, I pulled the plug on ST to eliminate interference. The first 5 devices worked perfectly fine and then I ran into issues from then on. Troubleshooting:
I got out my 50' Cat6 and moved the hub next to the switches - unable to add
I rebooted the hub and attempted again - unable to add
Factory reset, air-gap, attempted to exclude and include - nothing
Got out my ST again to exclude (success), factory reset, attempted to add in HE - nothing
Nuclear method: soft reset hub, updated software, attempted again - nothing
Replaced switches with brand new switches out of the box - nothing
I'm at a loss for what the issue could be. I thought my Z-wave radio was dead, but I could control my paired devices just fine (before my soft reset). Any other steps I should try so I can re-pair my devices?
Worth a test. One thing that comes to mind is I see you waiting a minute with the power cut, but are you waiting at least 30 seconds between exclude and include attempts?
I have seen @bcopeland mention that a 30 second pause should be done with any Z-Wave device between exclude/include actions.
I wasn't mindful about waiting 30 seconds between exclusion/inclusions but by the time I excluded all devices, reset, air-gapped, etc, it was likely at least 10 minutes between successful exclusion and failed inclusion.
I ran into this. What helped is having latest HE firmware. Then if issues, I shutdown HE hub from "settings", cut power to hub(do not remove micro usb-fragile), then restart hub. After I got up to 10+ devices the problem stopped, although my guess is it the firmware upgrades that helped the most
There are sometimes problems doing Z-Wave discovery on Hubitat if the ST hub is powered up, especially for a device removed from ST. Also, see what happens if you do an exclusion on Hubitat for one of these devices you excluded from ST.
THANK YOU!! I made sure the software was up-to-date then shutdown hub (from settings). I waited about 10 minutes because I wasn't sure if the red light meant "still shutting down" or "already shut down". I pulled power at the receptacle and waited another 5 minutes. When I powered on, everything was working fine again.
After wasting a LOT of time, I feel dumb for not power-cycling sooner. Thank you strangers for all your help.
Glad to help. And welcome to HE. Bruce brings up a good point. I always exclude, twice to be sure.
I also had a couple devices go rogue on me and typically a power cycle of the device brings it back.
I think the z-wave on my C4 is a little more stable, but I'm sure the Hubitat team will get the C7 to that same stable place. Keep in mind this 700 series hub is the first of its kind, so growing pains are expected.
I've been slowly adding devices to my C7 over the last week, building repeaters from the hub outward and giving time for things to settle down. Still have another 20 devices to go.