Implement MQTT Broker

I am a user of openHAB2 and i am making use of z-wave devices but also lots Sonoff devices on which i installed the Sonoff-Tasmota firmware. This uses an MQTT Broker.

My problem with openhab is the complex rule language, and for the i would seriously consider the switch to Hubitat.
But i definitely need support for MQTT in this platform, not a strange work around whereby i need a different platform to run a Mosquitto broker...

Is there any change that a MQTT broker will be implemented on the Hubitat platform in the near future?
Lacking of an MQTT broker would most certainly a show stopper for me...

Further i must say, from all info i have seen so far, it is a great platform.

Kind regards, Bert


You can control Sonoff-Tasmota devices over the HTTP interface without the need for MQTT. I ported a couple drivers for doing so, which you can find if you search the forums. They still need a little work, but the basic functionality is there.

I think the big inclusion for Hubitat would be a neatly integrated and configurable MQTT client. Just about every HA application has gone this route and the hubs will follow.
An MQTT broker is a pretty easy resource to add anywhere, and maybe within Hubitat is tidy as long as it doesn’t impact performance, but it’s not as important to me as a client integration.

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