Image Tile Refresh "Time" Parameter

Did hubitat recently add a "time" parameter to the url being called during an image refresh on a dashboard image tile? For example:

I have the following image url:

This works great to retrieve the image correctly. But on the next image refresh, the image is breaking. It took me a while to figure out, but I found in the console, the url is being adjusted, and the following "time" parameter is being added:

Note the last "time" parameter. This breaks all subsequent calls to the image url; as it is not expecting a "time" parameter. This was not an issue before, so I'm wondering if this was done in a recent update.

Again, the url is correct the first time on initial dashboard load. Inspection of the console shows the correct url without the "time" parameter. It is only added during subsequent image refreshes.

This is when using the ReoLink Camera system. I've seen a few other people with the same system, using the same feature of image refresh, on this forum... so I'm curious if they are experiencing the same issue.

This is not new and seem like Reolink is the only one with this issue. There were people on here did post about this with their Reolink cameras. Heard there was a camera firmware update in the work for this fix but not sure where it's at.

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From what I can tell, this started happening when I updated my NVR firmware. I was able to work around it by moving the "user" and "password" fields to the beginning of the parameter list:

This gets the image refresh working again. The issue was that the Reolink API was seeing the last parameter as the password; but when the "time" was appended; it could not parse the password correctly.

Anyways, it's working now. Another side affect; is that now fully kiosk browser is not respecting the https for the image location. And I thought I was close to done... sigh.

Reolink image out from the NVR is https? Interesting

They support both, actually.
This firmware update really threw me for a loop.
It reset all my network and custom settings.
The time parameter is what led me down the rabbit hole.
While it was the original issue; I began to think that it was the http vs https issue.
I switched to https; and it worked on my local; but not on Fully Kiosk.
I switched back to http, and switched the order of the url parameters, and all is working well now.

But yes, it was nice to see it support https :slight_smile:

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