I'm stumped. Is my new hub bricked?

If it's not this, I'm not sure what page I'm looking for.

Sorry my bad, I only saw the first pic, not when you posted this... Things look good there. Have you done the z-wave firmware update? This is not the update, it is the z-wave firmware update. You will see a z-wave firmware update button at the top of the z-wave details page if you have not done it. If it's there, press it.

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I have not. It's updating now. Thanks for the tip!

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Yeah that fixes some z-wave bugs. Once it's updated, shut down the hub from the settings menu. Unplug power to the hub (at the wall not the hub) and power back up. This will help clear out the radio. If the z-wave update fails for any reason, do this and then go to the z-wave details page and wait 10 mins on that page before attempting to update again. The repeat power cycle procedure. (Rebooting doesn't clear the radio, power cycling like above does)

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I'll have to do that when I get home, but thanks for the info.

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