I'll level with you. This is one clever smart lock

This is the only lock I have seen that hides in plain sight. Do you have any Apple devices that can be a Homekit hub? Setting up a Homebrige server isn't terribly expensive or difficult.

I have three of the Level Bolt locks in my home, and I have them integrated into HE via Homebridge. They work well. My wife likes the way they are hidden. I do too. All of the others just scream remotely accessible lock IMHO.

If you get them, do check the compatibility with your existing or new hardware. Schlage has made a number of locksets that won't work with it. If the aren't compatible, you'll just have to plan on buying a new/different lockset to go with it.

Let me know if you do go ahead and buy the Level Bolt locks. I can help guide you and answer any questions about getting them setup with HE. It really isn't very difficult.


I see this works with Ring now. Is this possibly a zwave device?

No, it is a Bluetooth device. Ring uses Amazon Sidewalk to commmunicate with Level devices.


This is brilliant! Thank you!

It sent me down a rabbit hole of installing Homebridge on my NAS (and updating my NAS OS) and homebridge-hubitat on my HE, but everything's connected and working great. Thanks for the advice!