Ikea Tradfri 400lm GU10 bulbs

Does anyone have a driver or code for these bulbs?

You should be able to use either the generic zigbee bulb driver or even the generic dimmer switch.

I've used these through the Hue bridge myself.

I have tested them on both Hubitat and the Hue Bridge - Both work great.

(I manually selected the Generic Zigbee CT Bulb driver for HE but I'll send Mike the fingerprint so it will automatically assign this in a future platform release)

Are those the tunable white TRADFRI GU10s (according to spec 2200-4000K) or the fixed 2700K GU10s?

Could you comment how these behave when turning them on or off? Is the transition smooth when connected to Hubitat?

I'm asking because I have a mix of Hue (E27) and Osram Lightify (=Sylvania) GU10 bulbs. Hue bulbs always transition smoothly when turning them on or off - no driver involement required. Osram's bulbs on the other hand can't do a somooth transition - they reduce brightness, but then turn off rather abruptly. I really don't like this behavior, so I'm thinking about replacing them.

The Tune-able ones have a very smooth transition to on or off, but the 2700K ones do not, they stutter half way through the on/off cycle and abruptly shut off.

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I just received the GU10 tuneables, and their transition to off is not smooth when they're set at a medium dimming level before going off; they give a flare and then go off. Power is coming from a Homeseer WD200 dimmer 3-way.

Should I have these set up differently so that they're getting constant power and the switch is solely giving on/off commands, and not controlling the actual power going to the bulbs?