Ikea On Off Dimmer switch

You were right, I had to pair the button to the hub before touch-linking the outlet. It makes sense since that's the way you would do it with the Gateway, too: pair the switch with the gateway first, then touch-link with the outlet.
I guess it's like someone said, if it's paired with the hub even though it doesn't really work with it, then the touch link won't "steal" the pairing but will still work.

So now the hub and the button can both control the outlet, thanks!

Hi, I'm quite new here but I have problem with the same switch. I hope it fits in your conversation.
So I can connect bulbs to Hubitat and control from it and I can also connect the switch to the bulbs. The problem is that if I connect the bulbs to the hubitat and after that I connect the switch to the bulbs, they lose connection with the hubitat.
I was able to connect the switch to hubitat but as @Huby said it do not work. I wouldn't mind if I could control bulbs from hubitat and with the switch separately.


Not sure if anyone cares any more since it's been a year since the last post here but I just managed to get my button to control the bulbs while also controlling the bulbs through HE. Button firmware was 2.2.010 and I did not update it - that was the firmware out of the box. I also don't know how to update the firmware even if I wanted to. The steps are as follows:

  1. I first paired the bulbs with HE. These are 2 x 816 lm WW Ikea bulbs, in case that is relevant. I also set them up as Generic Zigbee Bulbs since the dedicated Ikea Bulb profile only allows me to turn them on and off and not control brightness. Also some recommended the Generic Zigbee CT profile but these are WW bulbs with temp fixed at 2700 K so that's not needed here. Generic Zigbee Bulb works just fine with these.

  2. I powered off the bulbs from the outlet - important since trying to pair the button with HE could trigger a premature touchlink integration with the bulbs. It says 5 cm but I saw it "work" from as far as 25 cm away when I did this the first time so it's best to be safe and power them off from the outlet.

  3. I paired the button with HE using the generic Zigbee radio search option. I had to keep pressing the pairing button at the back instead of keeping it pressed the way I normally did with touchlink. The red light flashed first and then turned solid and HE switched to "initialising" and then asked me to assign it a label. I then did the log thing recommended by @oscopeaaron above. Isolated the logs to just the device tag I had assigned the device, kept pressing the on and off button while pressing the getinfo button on the interface and got the information I was looking for (the firmware). This step doesn't seem directly relevant to the end goal but I am sharing it since this was the exact sequence I followed and I do not know whether this helped me at the end in anyway.

  4. Once the button was paired, I powered on one bulb, tested that I could control it with HE, did another getinfo check on the button, confirmed that that worked and I could see the firmware, manufacturer etc in the device logs, and then did the touchlink with that bulb by placing the button within 5 cm and long pressing the pair button until the bulb first dimmed and then oscillated a bit before coming on very brightly.

  5. At this point I first turned it on and off using the button and it worked. I then opened the device on the HE interface and saw that the device state was changing when I turned the bulb on and off using the button. I then hit on in the HE and the bulb turned on and hit off and the device turned off. Success! I also tested brightness with the button and repeated the test with the HE interface as well. Worked well and using the button to control brightness did not break the HE-Bulb linkage (not sure why it would but since this is basically black magic as far as I, a lawyer and definitely not an engineer, am concerned, who knows what action might displease the fickle Zigbee Gods?)

  6. Powered the first bulb off from the outlet and powered on the second one. Repeated step 5 with it. Was able to control both brightness and power state with no issues.

  7. Tested with both bulbs and I was able to control them both together using the button and individually and together using HE.

Also the power state updates very quickly (<1 sec) when I toggle one of the bulbs using the button but I need to hit refresh on the other one for it to update the state (though, on the bright side, it does update when I hit refresh). Changing the brightness, on the other hand, requires me to hit refresh for the value to update for either bulb.

Anyhow, I hope this can be of some help! Thank you to all of you for helping me with this. Best of luck @bajusz.patrik!