Ikea Blinds

I got the drivers to work and was able to use Hubitat to close and open the blinds. I also got the remote it came with to pair but, no drivers. Does anyone have drivers for the remote itself?

Has anyone also gotten this added to Google Home. When setting up Hubitat it only sees my light switches and not these shades.

Not that I’m aware of, at least with Hubitat. But any standard Zigbee/zwave remote could be swapped out to control them through Hubitat.

I got it sorted - thank you again!

If you already have the shades, and are upgrading to the new driver with the battery display, here's how to get it:

  1. Upload the new driver to HE (duh :slight_smile: )
  2. Set the new driver for your shades
  3. From the device page - first hit configre - THEN hit "ping"

Thank you, again @Ryan780

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Hey...brand new hubitat user here, attacking the IKEA blinds as my first devices (which went extremely smoothly thanks to this thread!), but I have two questions that may be beginner questions:

  1. What happens when the blinds run out of battery.. do they lose their 'maximum length' settings?
  2. How complex is it to integrate user drivers into Google Home to get voice control?
  • What happens when the battery runs out? Nothing other than the blinds simply stop functioning until the battery is recharged. You have to remove the battery to charge it. The blinds retain the memory of their 'maximum length' when the battery is unplugged.

  • How do I get these running on Google Home/Alexa with voice control? There may be easier ways to do it, but here's what I did:

  1. Create a virtual switch in Hubitat called "-whatever you want- Shades" (Mine are "Living Room Shades" for example)
  2. Create a rule in Hubitat.
  • Trigger "When Living Room Shades (changes)"
  • Conditions "Living Room Shades is ON" and "Living Room Shades is OFF"
  • Conditional Rule:
    IF living room shades SWITCH is ON THEN open Living Room Shades.
    ELSE IF living room shades SWITCH is OFF - THEN close Living Room Shades
  1. Then I add the Living Room Shades virtual switch to Alexa as a switch through the HE Alexa App. My voice command is then "Alexa - Turn On Living Room Shades" to open or "Alexa - Turn Off Living Room Shades" to close, which triggers the rule above.

When I explained to my spouse to think of the shades like a light-switch, she understood immediately, and the WAF has gone up substantially since these shades were installed and hooked up with Alexa.

Note: The way I described above opens/closes the shades to 0% or 100%. I can't tell Alexa "Open shades to 30%". I suppose one could create a rule with a virtual dimmer that might be a bit more complex. For times when the sun needs to be blocked by closing the shade slightly, we just use the Hubitat app with the shade on a dashboard.


Just a note on this, you don't need the ELSE IF that's just another test you could just use ELSE because a switch is only a two state device so if it's not ON it has to be OFF.

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When I set it up a virtual shade it came in as a dimmer with a position variable. You have to do some funkiness though as position 0 is open and position 100 is closed so you have to do the position you want to set it as -100 and then get absolute value.

This seems like a lot of work though than to come in to google home as shades which I am sure it supports to an extent as I do see some other threads asking about them and how it comes in as a light switch and Hubitat saying it s a bug. Not sure if I can find that thread again but, I am having that issue as well...

The virtual shades are coming in as a light dimmer instead of a shade so when I turn off the lights it also triggers the shades.

Yes, it ended up being super simple in Google home by controlling a virtual dimmer through GH and having that trigger any number of blinds.

Your 'level-100' system is possibly a bit more elegant. I used three rules, one to set any level between 0 and 100, a switch rule to say 'off' = 100 and a switch rule to say 'on' = 0.

But the results are very clean... I can just say "Google open left blinds" or "Google, set left blinds to 50" and the blinds work just as expected.

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Just had this on email....yet to investigate.

Soooooo.... excited!!

The Orlando IKEA has never had these in stock, there isn't even a spot for them in their blinds department. A buddy of mine from South FL is coming up to visit next weekend and I asked him if there was local IKEA to which his new house is a few blocks away and he just picked me up a pair of the ~23" sized ones that I've been wanting since these got announced.

Then i'll just need the 48" version for one of my front windows and my Skynet-enabled house will nearly be complete.

Thanks for all the tips on this thread, I came on here last night confirming that I didn't need the gateway plus is looks like Ryan780 has done a bang up job with the driver.

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What do we think "homekit" means in this case for us?
Does that mean no Zigbee or Z-wave like their other (new) smart appliances?

Can you smart people, please, explain how do you make this work with Google assistant?
I understand I have to create a virtual shade, create a rule, most logical trigger to me seams "Dimmer level of Estor(100) changed " were I want my action to simply copy virtual shade position to actual shade. I don't know how to do this, to "sync" value.

Care to explain?

Thank you

Sorry to bother you but how do you create the rule "one to set any level between 0 and 100"?

Thank you

I suppose your friend got those from Sawgrass, I will have to go there to see.

Here's a RM4 that may help you below.
It will shut my blinds at sunset and open them at sunrise(The door blind will not close if the door is open as I don't want to risk damage). It will also close them for 2 hours if the temperature rise above 32c, this part of the rule is untested, I'll have to wait till July for that lol.

Thank you but not what I wanted, or I am blind lol
How do I create rule so that google assistant can change position?

rule that bigsnicker has "one to set any level between 0 and 100"?

Someone created a driver for the Up/Down Button for Smartthings. Haven't looked into creating drivers for hubitat but, maybe someone with better knowledge can port it over?

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I’ve got one of mine trimmed, mounted, paired and operational! So easy with all the help on this thread!

One thing to add: put blinds at bottom of travel and double click the blind’s up button. The shade will roll up a slight amount to verify

Got both installed and set up, few things to note:

Created a virtual switch and have a rule for that switch to set both the shades to 15% for "on" (open) and "closed" when turned "off"

I exposed the blinds to Alexa using the Alexa Skills app, then headed over to Alexa app and set up a “open” and “close” routine. Super easy as it treats the blinds as dimmable bulb just instead the % value is how closed they are. (so a value if "15%" is also 85% open)

I was wrong, there is no "min" value on the shade to set, it must be current limiting only. I was thinking of setting something up to block the rolling back from trying to roll the shade too far.

I’m using Ryan780’s driver code dated Dec 19th and I don’t see battery level in HE, but that’s alright, sometime down the road that will work perhaps

That SmartThings code posted above that gets the included up/down button in the mix: I was able to make some changes to the code and the device driver will actually install into the "Drivers Code" section in Hubitat, but I haven't quite gotten the straight answer on "how to put the button into pairing mode" yet. (link to driver code)

My buddy that brought the shades up from South Florida, I just had to spend 10 minutes telling him how great it was to use a Hue dimmer switch to control a set of IKEA blinds lol

Overall I’m super happy with these!! Currently may favorite gadget. Someday I’ll have three more sets, a 48” for my office window and two 30” models to provide full coverage on a large kitchen window I have

I have attempted to get the Up/Down button working using the ported code and I get the following errors.

I will add that I am no expert when it comes to understanding groovy either.