IFTTT now offers paid plans

But with prime, you supposedly have other features like the shipping, movies, and so on. With IFTTT, you have a buggy, often slow and limited cloud based thing. It isn't even half as good as Stringify was. That might have been worth paying for.

You are essentially correct, that $120 can get you Amazon Prime, or IFTTT. I know which I would rather have.


The Smart Life / Tuya integration doesn't even work for me on IFTTT (no devices listed)


Hmm... Not sure mine all work. I know Tuya disappeared from IFTTT around March and came back. I missed all of that and added the SmartLife setup about 3 weeks ago. They work (for now)

It turns out I can move my IFTTT automations over to Amazon Alexa routines. This worked with a Virtual Motion sensor on HE, and the Tuya dimmer. Rule A Motion = Turn on Dimmer, Rule B No Motion = Turn off Dimmer.
Works for me, I'll be dropping IFTTT now!

Can you get status back from Alexa into HE if the Tuya dimmer/switch is operated locally and if so with what delay ? (or Google Home)

The IFTTT SmartLife integration does not work for me. (No devices listed)

No Tasmota option on my device type. Gonna double check this again.

I thought most people were converting tuya to tasmota with a firmware then directly integrating to he without cloud. I don't have any of those devices. I just think I read a few posts about it.

They do... Long story... I got these Dimmers, and they have an MCU, and the newer firmware which prevents Tuya Convert. Since they have an mcu, the only way to get tasmota is to solder pins and flash. It also requires cutting the legs off of a super tiny chip, then repairing that cut when complete. That takes mad microscope skills and tools that I don't have. Non dimmers are much easier, I've done 10 color bulbs and 8 on/off switches to Tasmota.

TLDR: Can't put Tasmota on Dimmers :slight_smile:

Then what about this?

I have the DS01C, which is newer firmware - can't easily flash. The marcus HE integration works great, btw. Tasmota with HE is a great combo.
My last on/off switches were $7.50 each in a 4 pack on Amazon. Extremely affordable.

Looks like others got it working on ds01c

This has been a very long road trying to get tasmota on these! I've been on the digiblur discord channel and have had long discussions about the DS01C, There is one guy who could flash these with a 3d printed jig. Me and two others are trying to duplicate that. I'm actually meeting the guy tomorrow - he made me a jig to try since his worked. I'll try to flash it yet again once I get it!

Ok, np just wanted to make sure you were informed. I try to direct connect everywhere I can if possible.

I was trying that, It doesn't appear to have a way to do that, so my solution is 'half baked' - my dashboards might not be accurate, but at least 'good night' modes will work to turn them off.

Agree 100%. Hopefully I can flash these. I got tired of them being in a box so I have four of them cloud based for now. Thanks for pointing those out!

Sorry for hijacking the IFTTT thread!

I've got 16 applets. Though, half are duplicates since you can only do a single action. I do see when I log in, it says "Created by me (16 of 3)". Can anyone figure out of the limit of 3 is being enforced yet, and if so how do I know which 3 are active?

Also, a few of my rules are just triggers for Google Assistant, so I can say "okay Google, do this thing." Is there an easy way to move those type of automations to HE?

I just found a way to arm/disarm Arlo using Node-RED. Will post on it this week when I'm back home.

Edit: here is that info...


Oct. 7th is when they will limit your applets to a max of 3 unless you name a price to continue with the pro plan. Of course, name your price is valid for the 1st year.

Luckily I only have 2 customs actions in IFTTT. It sucks ■■■, and wouldn't consider the paid option. I have it to link ring to hubitat and as a backup notifier of my house alarm, just because you cant have too few different apps notifying you if the alarm goes off. Hubitat, smartthings, ifttt, email, all start buzzing away!

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I found alexa somewhat less reliable, but yes, that is also possible in much the same way using a virtual device

Did you ask them what their preferred pronoun is?

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