If-then conditions very slow on Rule Machine

Definitely try this ^^

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I'm not convinced.
RM is an event/trigger application.
There is nothing in the triggers to evaluate the rule when the contact sensor is closed.
Only when it is open.

The OP could just humour me and try it. :wink:

That isn't how I am reading the rule. Maybe I am wrong, but if it triggers on motion, and the door sensor is closed, it turns on the group. If it triggers on motion, and the door sensor (implicitly) is open (the ELSE) then turn on back porch light.

What am I missing there?

But the most helpful thing would be if OP would upload some logs so we can see what it is actually doing.


Your right. I was reading the trigger and the IF THEN as the same device.
I will now go back to sleep. :sleeping:

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