I am finding there are a bunch of bits that (at least for the moment) I cannot directly integrate with Hubitat, but there are possibilities via NodeJS such as Ring-API, Harmony, etc.
I am pleading ignorance, I have never done anything with Node, anyone have some suggestions for someone to learn the basics of setup, config, management, use etc? I'm looking at ways to scratch my last few itches when it comes to my home ecosystem and this may be a way forward.
Each of these APIs have good install/usage docs, but all presuppose (rightly) that you have a clue about the underlying system, and well, I have just about zero ... but I'm a fast learner LOL
If you want to experiment a little with Harmony via a NodeJS server, give this example a try. It will give you at least a starting point. My Hubitat HTTP Switch Driver code is pretty straightforward as an example of issuing HTTP commands to a NodeJS server.
Thanks all ... perhaps I'm a bit late to the party, I havent needed to use it before and there is always something else pressing ... but I see it scratching a whole bunch of itches both automation and otherwise so ...