Identifying Inovelli Blue Series Zigbee Device Bindings

Is there any way to know what devices an Inovelli Blue Series switch is bound to?

I have an Inovelli Blue Series switch that I used the binding app with to bind it to 6 smart bulbs. I needed to remove those bindings and used the app to unbind them but the device bind count says it's still bound to 5 devices. I am highly confident this switch is not bound to anything other than these bulbs but I've tried unbinding all of them many times and nothing changes. So I'm at a loss of next steps if I have no way of seeing what devices does the switch think it's still bound to. Or how to get it unbound from devices beyond what I am already doing, save factory reset and I really don't want to do that if I don't have to.

What driver version are you using for the Blue?

A while ago, they enabled bindings to be set/managed right from the driver, so it's pretty easy to see from there... Here's an example from one of my Blues that's bound to a 2-bulb lighting group. "2414" is that Group ID number.

I am using the latest drivers but I am doing individual bindings vs group bindings using Zigbee Bindings app (see image). I've done this type of binding and unbinding in the past on these switches and it sometimes took running the unbinding a few times to get it down to where the devices are unbound and the device state showed 0 as well, but this time for some reason I can seem to get it down to 0. It went from 6 (which is how many bulbs I had bound) to 5. So one of the bindings got removed I just don't know which one. It also does seem like it did maybe unbind because if I turn the switch off and on the bulbs aren't doing anything.

I just can seem to find any way to know what bindings the switch sees as being in place.

I don't use that app anymore to setup/manage my bindings, but I can say that my "numberOfBindings" (param 51) always says "5" too if I have a binding set up. No idea what the "5" means, other than I know it means (at least one) binding is in place.

It very well may be that particular State just isn't clearing properly... Have you tried switching to the plain "Device" driver type and using its options to Clear all States? IIRC, it has something like a "Clear all states" and a "Clear current states" options, but not certain -- I always just hit any buttons up there that include "clear states".

Then just go back to the normal driver and refresh the values. It's probably worth a shot -- it should't hurt anything anyway.

EDIT - welp, that "Device" idea may be a waste of time... I just tried it myself, and now my P51 = 6, which is no less confusing than 5. I've confirmed that just my one 2-bulb group is bound, so I really have no idea what the number associated with P51 means.

So I sort of found a solution in the Inovelli forums for the binding count problem. How To’s | Setup Zigbee Group Binding - Hubitat - #22 by mamber - How To's & Flex Zone - Inovelli Community

It seems like Zigbee Groups is maybe the preferred method over individual binding but do groups still work if the hub is offline? Assuming I've added the group id to the switch.

My group binding works really well - I test it every time I do a hub reboot or shutdown.

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