I’d like to monitor the temperature of my grill remotely with hubitat. Ideally I’d like to have a high temp probe inside the grill - I have several k-type thermocouple probes that are designed for this. But I don’t have a way to transmit that info to hubitat. I was thinking of opening a contact sensor and trying to solder/connect the probe, but i’m not sure if that would work. Is the temp range of a contact sensor determined by the sensor? or something else? it looks like fibaro made a contact sensor that could be connected to an external probe at one time, but I’m not clear if that is still on the market.
anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on a product that would work well for this?
I've not been able to integrate this with HE, but it's one hell of a nice meat thermometer. I don't have the extended range model, and really don't need it. With the lid closed and inside the house through a double pane window, it has no problem about 20 feet away. They have a free cloud service, so I'm using an old iPhone 5 to connect to the thermometer, and then that allows any other phone with the app and credentials to view the thermometer status anywhere.
I think this will need to be a DIY project using something like @ogiewon's HubDuino to control an Arduino, ESP8266, or ESP32 board. I have a K thermocouple and ESP32 I was using with HomeAssistant that I need to convert to this code.
Yeah the Fireboard itself is good, but the probes are the same as used by other systems and I view them as disposable after time. I've had them fail but usually after many uses
I'm sure someone can write a Hubitat app for it. I don't use Hubitat directly only with integration with HomeSeer for Zigbee devices so I have no reason to develop for Hubitat. Also there's no way to sell plugins so there's no incentive. I run a business not a charity
Latest HS3 are not auto selecting the room/floor/device type boxes for some reason so you have to open the drop down and make sure everything in device type is checked and then the plugin creates a "node " based on the Hubitat ID of the device which will be in the "floor" location box.
I’ve got a couple of thermoworks digital thermometers that have interchangeable k-type probes. So I’ve already got a number of penetration and ambient temp probes that I’d like to adapt.
the hubduino may be the way to go, I was just hoping for something simpler (and that maybe used a native driver).
Post a bounty to developers... provide incentive and someone will develop the app/drivers.
In general with HA things apps/drivers/plugins are developed either out of a personal interest of the developer or because there is financial gain. Without one or the other things don't get developed "just because".
This is where an actual "store" or "market place" really comes in useful. I know everyone loves free but development costs a lot of money and when there's no recoup of that then there's no incentive to develop and support except for those that are retired or really have nothing better to do.
I have an older version of the cyberq for my big green egg. Someone created an integration with SmartThings though that was with the old version. I never used the integration though. They now have a cloud version that includes alerts.
A coworker of mine made his own “heater meter” using a RPi based on instructions from internet.