Icon Libraries - Pls share your secrets!

Not sure where this belongs - maybe facebook? - well. Often I use my own creation for icons. Some are better than others:

I like icons that are 2d - reflect the basic shape of a device when reasonable and fit the icon standard of 512x512 in png (ico is so 90's.)
As time marches on, i'm desirous of newer and better icons. For example - I have begun using enlighten dimmable switches. in HE, css with two icons overlaid seems to solve some basic needs - but I use external tools.
So I started looking for dual (switch next to a bulb) icons and found the resources lacking.

So - share your icon sources! I'd love to pick through and grab icons that are no doubt vastly superior to mine. I'm happy to share my PSD files for any icons I've got (see image - it aint much).
And before this devolves into a css talk - I don't have css access to my dashboard (well. sort of kinda but lets not!)

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It's hard to tell for sure based on the OP.

You are not using Hubitat's built-in dashboards. Is that correct?

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