I was thinking .. It SURE would be nice!

Would be really nice if you "change" a app to be able to " add " things without having to
re-do the entire thing, like if i wanted to add a wait or a command or a notification.

Just a thought .. hope you agree ! Or am I missing something ?


I'm not sure if that's BR or SAR in your example there, but that sort of thing is where Rule Machine becomes the next "step up" from those 2 more basic rule engines.

I doubt HE staff is going to support adding that kind of capability when RM already exists -- the goal with BR and SAR is to keep them as light & easy as possible for folks that are new to rule logic.

Once you have some experience under your belt, Rule Machine is less intimidating and offers more cool stuff in terms of capability.


Hmmm .. yes BR is what I use a lot - Most stuff I do is easy and simple.
I tried to do that same thing in RM - Got way lost fast ! And Gave up. LOL
Kinda new at this and its Quite intimidating to try to use RM
I didn't know RM had this BR is so easy and nice .. It would be nice all I am saying :slight_smile:

Sure do appreciate letting me know that was even a thing !

1 Like

Just remember that all apps are pretty much a subset of RM


The documentation for RM is good -- consider starting to peruse through it to gain some familiarity.

You can always start small by recreating one of your basic BR rules in RM -- that'll give you an idea of how to do "like for like", and then you just steadily build upon that knowledge.

I now use RM (and its close sibling - Button Controller) exclusively, even for very simple rules. I've found that even my simple rules can often grow as needs evolve, and RM gives plenty of runway ahead when that happens.

For the record, I'm no RM guru -- my most complex rule is still not very complex at all (compared to some examples that pop up in the community here), so don't let all the available bells-&-whistles intimidate you; many of us don't use them very often (if at all).


Latest rule machine already has this. Click on actions. And any line has a plus to add s new action at that pt...

Try using RM to Import one of your Basic Rules. This would give you an idea of what that same rule would look like in RM. Might make more sense that way.


So new I had no idea you could even do that!
I'll give it a try see what happens thanks for the tip!


Yeah, that was a great idea from Jeff - I forgot about that option. Starting there will help you see how things translate over as far as the whole "like for like" point I was trying to make earlier. We were all in your shoes at one point, and you'll start getting comfortable soon if you stick with it.

You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time!


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