I want to talk to someone. How?

The only channel available to reach our support directly, is by visiting support.hubitat.com. We do not offer phone support at this time, but as you can see, we monitor our community very closely, and our staff will chime in regularly, to help users in need when our active community users may not be able to help. Hubitat Elevation is primarily a consumer platform. Commercial use of our platform generally require an agreement. If you'd like to find out more about the commercial applications, please send me a private message.


It is an utterly unreasonable expectation that Hubitat Support will call you so you can support an installation for your client. And this level of concierge service for a hub that is ~$100.

Shouldn't you be familiar with a system before offering it to clients?


The company may have a phone # but AFAIK they don’t publish it for support calls. And doesn’t their unmonitored email inbox instruct users to seek support here?

Seems the explanation there is you have a hub with older firmware?

This forum is the means for supporting users. Mostly by other users like all of us, and also by staff when needed. And if I’m not mistaken, your questions are getting answered here?

If you have a commercial use for your hubs and you need other support options, they can even accommodate that as @bobbyD msntioned, but you should expect to pay for that support.


Basic Rules has now appeared in my side bar. I'm attempting to make an Eaton zWave toggle switch tell three Eaton zWave plugin modules to turn on some lamps. As I'm looking at the "When a..." dropdown menu I don't see a "flip switch" option.

I need to make this system work as if it is not a wireless system. The manual switch simple needs to turn the lamps on and off.

I really don't use basic rules so I might not have this quite right but you can do something like this. You can have multiple target devices - I just used these as a quick example.

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That is what I want. But I don't have a "When a...switch" option.

You should use the mirror app for that.

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Yeah a good option too... I always forget that app exists.

But his switch should still show up as a switch in basic rules. Wondering if it really is a switch and is paired as a switch?


It might be a Dimmer for example that the OP is colloquially calling a Switch.

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Yeah or maybe it was misidentified during pairing...

@user4920 if we haven't scared you away already can you post a screen shot of the devices page of the switch and let us see how it is defined? You may have to register on the forum first...



@user4920 If you go back up to Add Built-In App and scroll down until you see "Simple Automation Rules" and click on that. This App has the Switch option. This app may do what you want.

All apps have the switch option its the device that needs to support it for the app to be able to pick it up. Sounds like the device has not been set up fully and its not exposing the attributes yet or its not even a switch at all.

The OP will need to show us the z-wave details page and the device page. Only then can we provide them with informed advice. Is odd that this is for a client though?


I now see where all the apps, like basic rules have the switch option. I was suggesting simple automation rules because for some reason I thought he was turning on bulbs, instead of outlets.

I was pointing out that its unlikely the issue as in the space of a few post the OP was suggested at least 3 different apps. This is not helpful to the OP at all, instead I have asked them to provide some information which will help inform all of us on what to advice next.


@BorrisTheCat and @razorwing. I flagged your posts as your discussion may be better suited in a private message. Please remember that this is a public place. If your post is personal in nature and not directly related to the OP topic, you may consider using private messaging instead.


Thank you for all of everybody's input. I was able to make the devices work after somebody suggested the switch was not recognized as a switch. At that point I found I needed to identify each device in the device info page. From there I created a workflow for the switch and the modules and they all worked beautifully.

For future reference: I was hindered by unclear tutorials on the website. The lack of a phone number to call for help. And I was forced to stop posting on this forum by the 22 post limit set upon me as a new user. That limit required me to wait 24 hours before I could post again leaving all of you wondering if I was still around. It looks like the Hubitat product will work great, looking forward to more streamlined support in the future.


Join the owners group http://community.hubitat.com/g and the 22 post limit goes away.


I updated your account manually so you don't hit the new user limit again.


And you @bobbyD and the rest of the support staff are why this is such a great environment to play with my house.


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