I miss the old Quirky devices

I get it. This is a non-issue, all things considered. But you know what? 5 years ago, or whenever the Eggminder came out, I could just add an element to my shopping list automatically when our eggs were running low. And now, even if this does work with Wink (it didn’t the last time I tried it), I’m not going to pay a monthly fee for one device that tells me I’m out of eggs. I wish it ran locally.

It’s the little things you end up missing… :disappointed:


Ok I had to google this because it blew my mind there would be a specialized device to keep track of your eggs... Personally I just tell Alexa to add to my grocery list and its done. Plug for https://www.anylist.com/ because its awesome.

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Haha oh man.. Those early Quirky devices... You had to program them with your phone screen because they used a sensor to read the flashing of the screen on/off to get your Wifi data. Ah the early days of the smart home! I honestly don't really miss those days.

(I don't know if EggMinder used that method, but their other devices did, so I'm just assuming.)


It did --- and not very well. I also miss the Porkfolio, and the quirky propane meter. Those were so cool.

I don't miss the early days of automation ... but I do miss those zany inventions. I wish we had more fun products on the market these days lol


Lol I forgot about Porkfolio.

I'm all for zany ideas. Sometimes they hit on something that's truly useful.

I had the Refuel (the propane tank meter), 2 Eggminders, 2 Quirky spotters (spotter v1) - they were really good as vibration sensors, and 2 Nimbuses - one on my nightstand and one on my desk at work. They were pretty neat!

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I always wanted one of these, still do. Too bad there is nothing like it on the market that uses standard protocols. I understand you can hack these, but I am not sure I have the programming skills to do so.

I mainly wanted the weather, alerts for new emails, and other notifications.

Picture for those who aren't familiar.



I used it for time, weather, stock updates, and mail.


Dead on. The tech was from Electric Imp. They may have also run the servers.

I was browsing Amazon and came across a new (to me) ZigBee device.
Gen. 2 Hybrid (FM and Zigbee) E-Wand Starter Kit (Without CPC Bridge) - 3 Hybrid E-Wands and 1 Remote Control. Released June 2021 - - Amazon.com

No videos, but the description upgrades your cheap slatted blinds to the world of HA. Anyone out there with some experience with these?

Not 'open' or hacked as far as I know (yet)

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I still use a bunch of the Quirky Tripper contact sensors. Tiny form factor, battery life seems solid, and they report status reliably.

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