I have tried everything...is the device faulty?

Okay, I have spent many hours for over 2 weeks working with @bobbyD trying to resolve this issue w/o success that I am ready to give up, but thought I would reach out to the tech community first. So, my HE C7 is out of the box new and this is a fresh installation using new Z-Wave devices. I have never been able to discover any Z-Wave devices (I only have Z-Wave devices now) from the start after registration and update. In fact, only if I downgrade to version can I even see "Z-Wave Details", etc. otherwise the Error 500 will come up using version when trying to status the radio.

Working with @bobbyD, I have followed the Documentation to perform an unknown number of Soft Resets, Full Resets, Shutdowns (and power removed), Restarts, Disable/Enable Radio, using diagnostic tools, etc., etc. I have just performed the update again to version and the Z-Wave radio is completely unresponsive. This had been a real challenge to resolve, but at this late stage I just would like for it to work. I would be grateful if anyone has any suggestions or recommendations?

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Sounds like it's time for a return/replace exchange. If Bobby had taken me through the paces w/a new hub and it didn't work, that's what I'd do.


Just a guess... When running the latest, are you able to attempt to upgrade the Z-Wave Radio's Firmware?

Also, do you have the Z-Wave Region set to the correct location, to match the frequency of the Z-Wave devices that you're trying to pair? What devices are you trying to pair?

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No, unfortunately, I can't get to this page after the update. After a long pause it times out and I eventually get the same error 500 message:

Error 500

A Server error has occurred

Hi there, I haven't heard from you, and didn't realize you were back home. I see that you've sent me a few updates in the past few days. I'll look at your hub again and will get back to you. Last time I suggested Soft Reset, but based on your recent emails, it sounds like you have performed a Full Reset. Unfortunately, doing so erased historical data from your hub so we would not be able to trace back what might have happened.

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Thanks Bobby. It'll be easy enough to recreate as I am back to where we started from originally with and an unresponsive Z-Wave radio. I can perform another Soft Reset or any recommended troubleshooting steps that may resolve this.

Let's try that, it looks like the Full Reset didn't fix the problem I was seeing before.


Thanks Bobby. Soft Reset completed and Z-Wave radio remains unresponsive.

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Can you access the Z-Wave Details, or it's still throwing 500 error?

No, it's unresponsive. I receive the same "Error 500" after it times out:

Error 500

A Server error has occurred

Thank you. Replacement on its way. Will send you email with more details.