You can just do a migration again from your C7 to your new C8 when it arrives. You said everything was running fine on the C7, so migration from it should go fine w/the new hub. I would create a new migration backup on the C7.
I would try to migrate again, if that's still an option, and if Z-Wave is giving you trouble on the new hub, then reset the radio and manually include devices. If migrating from C7 isn't an option, I would reset the Z-Wave radio on the current hub, then run a cloud backup and migrate all but the Z-Wave for added insurance that you are not migrating your headaches.
I went from a 1600 square foot house to a new 4200 square foot house and have many more devices and many more rooms. I wish I could have just migrated. In case you mention it, I have tried excludng and including zwave right next to the hub to no avail. I have wasted hours.
Even if you've excluded Z-Wave devices while trying to solve your problems, you can still migrate from your C7 to the new C8 you're receiving. You will need to fix issues caused by Z-Wave devices you have excluded, but that can be pretty simple using the "Replace" process on your new C8 after you migrate again from your C7 to the new C8. Using replace your Z-Wave devices can slot right back into their spots on the C7, staying the autmations you had them in on the C7.
You'll want to get help w/that process when you get your replacement C8.
Best advice I can give, is don't wait to come here to ask for help - sooner is better when things aren't working as expected.
@norman just said new home. Best practice is to work from closest to hub outward joining the powerered devices first, then battery powered.
Good point - he may have some re-doing to do regardless due to new locations of his hub and devices.
However, he can still migrate from his C7, place his excluded devices as desired working out from the hub, and then use the replace approach w/the Z-Wave devices he has excluded. Zigbee devices should be able to re-route/reconnect after being placed, Zigbee is usually pretty good at figuring out the best route back to the hub.
This alone can cause issues as those z-wave devices are looking for specific routes. If their next known hop is on the other side of the house and the strength isn't good between them that will cause issues. Again, can you post your z-wave details page in it's entirety?