I found a Star Trek computer voice model trained with Majel Barrett audio. Make your own voice alerts!

I am so unreasonably thrilled with this.

Buried in a Reddit thread I found a guy who trained a voice model with Majel Barrett clips, and he shared a link to it.

To actually use the model, I had to make an account at the place, then open this link again, then there was some "claim" button to get the model into my account. It was a little klunky, but you'll get through it.

The tool is free to use for a while, there's a character countdown. I don't know what the costs are afterwards.


The model is not perfect, but it's pretty, pretty, pretty OK. I whipped up this water leak alert sound, pasting in a classic TNG alert noise at the beginning. I can't embed an MP3 in this forum directly, hopefully this sharing link will work.

For consistency I guess I will try to get good renders of key words like "warning" and re-use them in the editing phase.

If anyone's into this too please share your creations! And if anyone's into audio editing and knows how to polish up the voice, please share some tips. It has kind of a room reverb on it, obvious on headphones but not so much on a speaker. It would be great to tone that down.

(Now I REALLY need a way to play sounds without the darn Google Home Mini bloop at the beginning.)

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I was trying to find a good AI voice thing to do player announcements as they walk up to the plate for little league. Nothing I could find would do a good emphasis on the player's name.

I can see that. Fortunately a lack of liveliness is perfect for the Enterprise computer.

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Now, if this voice was available...

Majel Barrett is cool, agreed. But what I really want is Douglas Rain.

I'm a TNG guy at heart but Dick Tufeld's robot is one of the all-time greats, no doubt.

Username checks out...

Someone may have done those projects. I was shocked to stumble on Majel Barrett today.

Candice Bergen did a great job as SAL 9000 in 2010, though we didn't get to hear too much.

Love it! Thanks for sharing! Will add it to my list of things to check out… Might be a few weeks though…