I finally made an EZ Dashboard that is better than the old one!

FWIW, I really like the direction Hubitit are taking, but the new EZ dashboard can be frustrating for exiting users. I’ll get to some more detailed feedback later.

Old Security Dashboard:

New Security Dashboard:

I really like my new one, I find it visually very clean and easy to read, great work on that guys. :+1:t2:

And now for a couple of things I found incredibly frustrating - please take this constructively:

  • moving a tile from one location to a blank space, over the top of existing tiles, completely wrecks those tiles. It would be far, far better if tiles snapped back to their original location. Having to repair tiles you’ve already placed is beyond annoying.
  • “responsive” mode completely wrecks your layout whenever the device or browser windows size changes. Pretty frustrating to find this out after spending time making a nice layout. Perhaps having each row wrap around without destroying the overall layout would be ideal.
  • it would be nice if we could change the tile type like we can in the old system.

We hear ya. Will check if that can be avoided.

Once layout for a particular is saved, the dashboard remembers it. I'll try changing layout while editing, though, that may cause trouble.

You can in edit mode, just click the triple dot button on the tile.


Last time I found this issue, going back to the original window size didn't restore the layout, this time I tried it, it did - even while editing it's fine now. :+1:

However, I would prefer the wrap method to retain my general layout:

Sorry, I wasn't very clear on this, on the old dashboard it doesn't filter the tile types at all, on EZ it does. For example, if EZ says something is a lock (and to be fair it probably is), you can't change it to a switch.

Here is mine... old dashboard.

I still prefer the entire tile changing from red
To green etc


@bobbyD Is there a reason why, when in the Hubitat iOS apps, we need to log on to EZ Dashboards when we are already logged in to the app?

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Do you have security enabled on the hub? That login into the hub is local, and not synchronized with the cloud, which the mobile app log in uses.

I do.

Makes sense, thanks for the explanation. :+1:t2:

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But the regular dashboards do not require you to log in with hub security? They must use some sort of token?