Hyundai HT smart home products

hello guys hope you doing well i need drivers for Hyundai HT smart home please let me know if it possible to add drivers for Hyundai smart home
thank you very much

Hi -

Do you know what zigbee profile their zigbee devices (motion sensor, smart plug, contact sensor, leak sensor, motorized blinds) use?

If they use either ZHA 1.2 or Zigbee 3.0, it is possible that existing Hubitat generic zigbee drivers will work with them (or that someone in the community can create drivers for them). If they use a proprietary zigbee profile that is specific to the Hyundai HT gateway, then it will not be possible to create Hubitat drivers for them.

FWIW, I am concerned they may be a proprietary profile because Hyundai's specifications indicate they are zigbee devices, but don't indicate the zigbee profile or certification.

thank you for your response
its ZigBee 2.4GHz i try to add to my hubitat and its add successful but I can't control it so I change the device type to another brand and the sensor is work well with the door lock but the light switch is just only one channel can be controlled and I don't know about a motorised curtain if anyone can make a driver for Hyundai HT it will be better to get full access to all products.
thank you very much

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