Humidity condition display bug

Think this is new...

To recreate:

  1. Create new rule
  2. Selection actions to run
  3. Create condition
  4. Select humidity sensor capability and device
  5. Select comparasion (< for example)
  6. Enable "relative to device" and select second device
  7. Enter humidty offset (10 for example)
  8. Select done with condition
  9. Now look at the condition and you will see "sensor1 < sensor2" with no mention of the offset. I believe in previous version it would display the expected "sensor1 < sensor2 + 10"
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I will look into it...

Yep. I discovered that the line of code that puts the offset in the display had been commented out -- most likely for some testing reason at some point -- and never put back in. Fix will be in next release.


Great, sounds good. I appreciate it, thank you.