Hue Motion Sensors showing active

I have 5 Philips Hue indoor motion sensors and two outdoor ones. They have been working perfectly up to two weeks ago. Now they can go motion active and remain active. Sometimes I am able to refresh them, in the Hubitat Device list, and they will return to their correct state. Other times I have to reset them. The temperature and lux are also locked but the red led flashes upon motion. The sensors seem to take it in turns to lock up going for a few hour to a few days in between lockups. I also have a few Samsung SmartThings indoor sensors that work without issue. I have tried putting them in the locations where the Phillips sensors were but there is no issue with them.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any advice.

If you’re seeing a red light, either your battery is almost dead or the sensor can’t reach the hub.

From the manual:

Short red flash at detection: battery is empty
Long red flash at detection: sensor cannot reach bridge


Thanks for your reply @didymus. I must admit I am not sure if it was a short red flash or a long one. Of course the motion detectors have not locked up since I wrote the message. On the Device List all motion sensors are showing 100%. That by itself is an indicator that the status recording is not working as the sensors are about three months old so I would have expected the battery levels to have dropped somewhat.
One of the sensors is in the same room as the HE hub so I would be surprised if the communications between the sensor and the hub was the issue.
I will monitor the next time this happens and also change the batteries.


One of my indoor Hue motion sensors is over 2 years old with original batteries and still says 100%. All of my Hue sensors are on original batteries and all say 100%. Lifespan is very dependent on the strength of the mesh. Do you have repeaters?

I have one repeater situated midway between the HE hub and the furthest device.

That’s not a robust mesh.

What is your suggestion please?

I have one zigbee router/repeater for every 5-6 zigbee end devices. Here’s a link to the relevant section of the Hubitat documentation:

Many thanks @aaiyar. I will study that documentation and make any relevant changes necessary.

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Reported battery levels are typically not that precise or accurate. This applies to many if not most Zigbee and Z-Wave devices. They will often report 100%, or another relatively high level, and then at some point in the future suddenly drop off precipitously.

Does the Hubitat driver report battery level changes at all? My sensor is working great but has been showing 100% battery life for several months.

Sounds typical, especially for lithium batts. Lithiums will read !00% (or pretty high) for a loooong time, then super fast drop to "0" (may be days, sometimes even just hours).

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