Hue Motion sensors - motion staying active

Very true!

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I have 4 indoor gen 1 hue motion sensors and every day one gets stuck on active, yesterday I joined them to a hue bridge and updated them but that still hasn't solved the issue one got stuck in only a few hours. I have 4 sonoff usb sticks as repeaters and 1 smartthings outlet. I have three gen 2 sensors and they don't seem to do it.

Any ideas?

If devices stop working, that's a sign of a weak mesh. The more quality repeaters you have in your system the more resilient to interference your mesh becomes. I have one repeater nearly every 3 feet in each direction. With Zigbee, you cannot have enough repeaters, especially if you live in a congested environment. If you are on top of a mountain and have no neighbors around, you might be able to get away with less repeaters.

If enough repeaters exist in the system, and devices still stop working, then the trouble is with repeaters not working as they should - troubleshooting this issue is not an easy task.

Last but not least, battery powered devices stuck on one state may be caused by weak batteries. Not all sensors report battery level correctly. Replacing batteries may help, too.

Since fitting the sonoff repeaters our arrival sensors are picked up 3 houses away
and everything else is rock solid it's just the hue motion sensors with issues
Just realized I also have 4 sonoff zbmini's as well, with a total of 82 zigbee devices

Have you tried fresh batteries?

all sensors report 100% and when connected to use bridge it doesn't moan either, the sensors will still report lux and temp too just the motion gets stuck

That doesn't really mean the batteries are good. I have had Hue sensors with depleted batteries on Hue bridge and the bridge was clueless...