Hue Motion - question about stairs

New Hubitat owner (c7 ordered - not received yet)
Also ordered a lutron Pro switch 2
Lutron caseta dimmer & pico
Lutron caseta - pro dimmer (with favorite in dimmer)
hue motion sensor maybe

What would be a good place to put a Hue motion to turn on light in landing and curved stair? I was thinking top of stairs - about a foot off of the ground to catch motion on the landing and coming up stairs.
This would be for at night - maybe30%-50% illumination when motion detected.

I'm coming over from insteon and replacing insteon dimmers and switches


How much curvature do the stairs have? I had a curved stairway that bent a full 90 degrees. In that situation, having two motion sensors would be best, one near the bottom and one near the top.

Remember, there are two potential situation that you hope to capture. The first is if a family member comes out of a bedroom and starts down the stairs. You want sufficient lighting to prevent tripping on the stairs.

The second situation would be if someone breaks into your home and is creeping up the stairs. In that situation, you want full lighting to come on to alert you to the presence of an intruder. Hopefully, the second situation will never occur, but that is always a possibility.

I second that.

The best place should be to detect motion when approaching the stairs, not when being on them. One on top, another on bottom.

That is what I have and works flawlessly.

Here is a little more info i didn't provide
the entranceway is always on 100%
the stairs - at entranceway curve up to the left - 45% curve
stairs open on left down to entranceway- light filters up
stairs - curved wall on the right - up to landing

I didn't think of intruder aspect, so will need to think about that for other areas too.

my thought process was to not to have a motion on bottom so when people go by the bottom of stairs to other rooms it doesn't turn the lights on on the stairs

I guess I'll need to experiment

I have a stairway that does a 180. 2nd floor to a landing halfway up, then 2 90 degree turns up to the 3rd floor. I use one motion sensor on the landing that has visibility up and down, but mostly up, and a second at the beginning of the stairs on the 2nd floor. I use the aeotec trisensors.

Then I guess you only need the “going down” and the “mid-way up” sensor or sensors.

I have a similar case and ended up with two, having sometimes the lower end lit when unnecessary, but preferring that to an unlit stairway when needed.

Yes, the best thing is to try different setups.

Motion sensor placement is all about experimentation as each location is different and motion sensors vary as well.

In my experience on stairs, I've successfully used a) NYCE curtain sensors (in short supply due to supply chain issues) at foot level at the top of stairs and b) ceiling or high wall mounted sensors at the bottom of stairs pointed in a way to avoid false triggers.

thanks or the info people.

I see that Brad uses Aeotec which used to be Samsung I believe.
Hue is mentioned other places as being fast and good as well

I'm in Canada and the Aeotec and Hue are about the same price
and so I got a couple hue to play with as they are available locally

Any other recommendations, Ive read a lot of other threads and it seems to be all over the place, but hue comes up consistently ?

Kinda. Aeotec started making ST zigbee devices. These are Aeotec "native" ZWave devices.

Ok a little confusion on my part then
here is what I can get easily

it's zigbee

I have a number of the older Smartthings zigbee motion sensors. The once now made by Aeotec are a newer design.

I have several Hue indoor motion sensors. They seem to work very well. If I need to purchase additional ones, I will go with Hue. If you have Hue bulbs and a Hue bridge, be sure that the Hue sensors are paired directly with Hubitat and not to the Hue bridge. The Hue-Hubitat integration only works with the bulbs, so If you want to keep your rules within Hubitat, be sure to pair them directly.