Hue Matter Integration Motion Sensor readings

My Hue Bridge is connected to both my Apple HomeKit and Hubitat via both Cocohue and Matter,

In the Matter integration it shows the temperature sensor for a Philips Hue Motion Sensor but I can't find the illuminance sensor or battery, all of these are available in CocHue. How does one retrieve this information?

This double integration is temporary until I can work out if I can use Matter integration to avoid the polling lag and integration to some Philips motion sensors that do not play with Hubitat.

What do you see for "inClusters" on the device in the "Data" section in the "Device Details" table at the bottom of the device detail page for this device? While the sensor measures these values and they are accessible over the Hue API (and to some extent in the Hue app/automations), it's possible they aren't exposed over Matter. You'd be looking for "0400" in that list. If so, it's possible a driver could work with that data and just currently isn't; if it's not there, it likely just doesn't support it this way.

So looking at the hub device data details I can see the following.

If I look at the sensor component device then there is no “inClusters” field in the data details.

If I am looking in the correct place then I guess ithat as there is no 0400 it is not being exposed over Matter.

I forgot that you're dealing with a bridge device (or really the child endpoints), and this works differently there. I'm not sure you'll see it anywhere except maybe in debug logging when the bridge device is first added or running "Configure" manually some time after.

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