Hue Groups Dim up/down

I recently replaced my hue hub and am having to redo all my apps.

In button controller I had a pico that would dim up or dim down a hue group using hold and release. Now when trying to recreate this hue groups are not available.

I mispoke here, the groups can be picked but the ramp commands dont work. I see the below errors in the log.

app:18082019-07-28 08:21:11.727 am errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'stopLevelChange' is not supported by device. on line 2045 (buttonHandler)

dev:8392019-07-28 08:21:11.656 am infoPico 1 button 2 was released

dev:8412019-07-28 08:21:11.622 am inforcvd: DEVICE,2,5,4

app:18082019-07-28 08:21:02.900 am errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'startLevelChange' is not supported by device. on line 2035 (buttonHandler)

Last I knew, Hubitat doesn't support startLevelChange and stopLevelChange on groups. I'm not sure how you would have been doing this before, maybe choosing individual bulbs instead?

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Interesting. Didn't realize that. I have Lightify zigbee bulbs in a group, and your explanation makes sense.

I didn't realize that either. I switched to two individual hue bulbs.

The dim up still doesn't work. This is all that was in the logs.

dev:8392019-07-28 05:17:59.405 pm infoPico 1 button 2 was released

dev:8412019-07-28 05:17:59.376 pm inforcvd: DEVICE,2,5,4

dev:8392019-07-28 05:17:51.525 pm infoPico 1 button 2 was held

dev:8412019-07-28 05:17:50.455 pm inforcvd: DEVICE,2,5,3

Interestingly the dim down does work

dev:8392019-07-28 05:26:08.846 pm infoPico 1 button 4 was released

dev:8412019-07-28 05:26:08.808 pm inforcvd: DEVICE,2,6,4

dev:13252019-07-28 05:26:06.965 pm infoBedroom Lamp 2 was turned off

dev:13242019-07-28 05:26:06.914 pm infoBedroom Lamp 1 was turned off

dev:8392019-07-28 05:26:06.722 pm infoPico 1 button 4 was held

dev:8412019-07-28 05:26:05.659 pm inforcvd: DEVICE,2,6,3

For the life of me I cant get the raise action to work. Could someone look at my logic and tell me what I am doing wrong?

I can't see anything wrong with that. Maybe I'm missing something, too. For fun, maybe try going into the app and hitting Done again or perhaps unselecting and reselecting the devices for your "start raising" action and doing the same? I'm wondering if maybe some subscription or variable didn't get set correctly (a glitch, not you) the first time.

It may also help to turn on debug logging for the affected devices and see if you see anything about them in the logs for things that don't (or do--and how it compares) work.

I do something similar for my hue groups. I use the "adjust" function with +10 on the pico pushed event (or -10 to go down