Hue bulbs not showing under devices, but do show under the Hue app

What am I doing wrong? I did add several new hue bulbs recently and some are showing up fine (see red boxes).

Related question: i'm building groups in hubitat that include hue. Since the hue group is showing up correctly should I not worry about the individual bulbs not showing in the UX and just build my groups using the hue groups instead?

Ignore the "7 available". Those are bulbs I don't want to use in hubitat.

Hubitat's Hue Bridge Integration app will show you the device names as they appear in Hue, but it adds them to Hubitat (and "connects" the two--knows which is which) by using the Hue device ID number, which you can see as part of the DNI (far right column in your bottom screenshot) in Hubitat. For example, "34/40" means that the Hue device ID is 40 on the Hue side (the "34" is the app ID of your Bridge integration in Hubitat).

So, if you've renamed things in the Hue app, my guess is that Hubitat still "knows" they are there because the IDs match. You could find devices by ID in Hubitat (Settings > Advanced in Hue will show you want they are on the Hue side; match them with the Hubitat DNI as above). If you didn't rename anything, then make sure you've clicked the "Refresh Bulb Discovery" button (not visible in your first screenshot, but it should be at the bottom of that page). This isn't my first guess since you said that some bulbs/groups are showing while others aren't, so that's why I'm mentioning both of these guesses.

Either way should work, but my opinion is that Hue groups work better. This is because a command sent to a Hue group is just one command in all directions: one from Hubitat to Hue, one from Hue to the bulbs/group (it uses a group broadcast so it doesn't send a command to each bulb). With individual bulbs in a Hubitat group, multiple commands are involved: Hubitat will send one command for each bulb to the Hue Bridge, then Hue will in turn have to send an individual command to each bulb. This means you're more likely to notice the "popcorn effect" (bulbs responding at slightly different times instead of all at once) and things will likely take slightly longer, though with a small number of bulbs, you're likely to be OK either way.

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Awesome! Thanks! I honestly may just delete & reintegrate with hue since i did that early on before i knew what i was doing in hubitat and i migrated several GE bulbs from Wink to HUE over the course of a few weeks after that. I don't mind the popcorn effect, lol. Its kind of mesmerizing to watch the 'ballet of lights going off' at night but what you said makes a ton of sense. Why call the API for each individual bulb in hue when you can just call the group.

i'm 'building' my groups up for alexa convenience. i'm going to start w/ hue groups, then hubitat groups (adding in switches & whatever else isn't in hue) to create 'rooms' then ultimately i want to create 2 single groups in alexa (inside house and outside house) so i can turn my whole house on or off via voice when we want to go to bed early and not wait for the regular schedule.

Thank you again!

If you are redoing the hue integration you should look at @bertabcd1234's CoCoHue app as it is more feature rich.

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Wow thats really cool! I JUST finished reimporting my hue skill and building my hubitat groups lol. This seems pretty powerful and looks like several steps to get it to install correctly into hubitat so I may punt on this for now and come back to it later. Using hue groups for my hubitat groups definitely makes this much easier so its not difficult to redo later using the more full-featured integration app.

I'd recommend doing it now if you intend on using the lights in rules as it is a pain to have to change all of these to the new devices if you decide to change later on.

The only extra steps to install if compared to the built in integration is copy and pasting the app and driver code.

Ok I'm still a little new to pulling in custom apps. The only one I integrated so far is the TAPT app to control those quirky switches.

I'm confused looking at the instructions; do I have to install the 'package manager app' first in order to install the hue app as a single copy & paste?

No, there are two different installation mechanisms you can use:

  1. Install Hubitat Package Manager, then use Hubitat Package Manager to install CoCoHue for you with just a few clicks after HPM is installed; or

  2. Install CoCoHue manually by copying and the code or "raw"/import URL from the app source code file (into "Apps Code" in Hubitat) and each of the driver source code files (into "Drivers Code").

The former is new but was helpfully created by a community member to save people time with installing and updating apps/drivers (you just need to install HPM as a custom app first). The latter is the "traditional" method for installing custom apps and drivers that you may have read about elsewhere by now.

Either will give the same result, so whichever you prefer!

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ok i'll give it a try! you never grow if you don't try doing things you're not comfortable with :wink:

ok i followed the manual directions and everything seems like it worked. however when i go to add 'lights' or 'groups' or anything it just sits on the screen that says 'if you see this for an extended period of time hit refresh' but i never get any bulbs back.

is this a common issue? should i reboot the hubitat or something? it found the hue hub easily and paired with it; just can't pull in any devices.

ETA i deleted & readded the hue hub a second time and it seems to be working now.

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