HUE Bridge Integration Problem

I recently replaced a C8 unit with a C8 Pro. That went fine.

I intended to re-purpose the C8 for testing things without having to worry about messing up the C8 Pro in it's day-to-day activities.

I did a Full Reset of the old C8 and that seemed to go fine. I was able to connect, add apps, add devices, etc.

I wanted to test HUE integration and read the docs and installed the app. It found all of my devices and groups from which I selected the ones I wanted to work with.

The docs said the devices would appear for selection in things like the Basic Rule app.

So far I see no HUE devices in anything other than the HUE Integration app.


Thanks, Frederick

I assume you selected the devices to add and hit Done in the Hue Bridge Integration app? This should put them in your Devices list (accessible from the menu on the left side of the hub UI), and, if they are there. they should be selectable in any app that looks for lights.

In any case, Devices is the first place to look. Thinking of it another way, you can't select something if it doesn't exist. :smiley:


Thanks for the feedback.

I think I'm wearing out the "Done" button from clicking on it.

I read where it mentioned in the docs the HUE lights and groups should appear in Devices - I've looked but so far nothing.

Any place to look for an error message that might provide a clue?

Thanks, Frederick

Yes, Logs:

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After reading your post I thought I would check once again to see if anything was appearing under devices - and everything is now there.

I guess the hub was just taking a leisurely approach to adding the HUE items to the Devices page.

Just the same I am going to find the logs mentioned and see what is to be seen.

Thanks again, Frederick

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I checked the log and found this:

I'm guessing the app was waiting on a condition to be met that allowed it to continue and collect the HUE lights and groups. Shortly after this series of errors the "initializing" line was followed by lines mentioning the HUE lights and groups and what was being done with each.

In any case it all seems to be working now.
