Trying to add a 2nd Hue Hub without any success so far.
I have added my main Hue Hub - Hub 2 and now trying to add the other Hue Hub Hub 1.
I have added a secondHue Bridge Integration and when selected shows both Hubs.
Selecting Hue Hub 1 - ie not the one already added it asks me to Press the button on the Hue Bridge to setup a link.
I press the Hue Hub 1 button and return to the Hubitat and press Done
Hubitat just starts the process all over again around and around in circles.
I have tried taking Hubitat through to Linking with your Hue - pressing the Hue Hub Button and just waiting and waiting and waiting but Hubitat doesn't detect the Hue Hub Button press.
Is it just a limitation of the Hubitat that it will only connect to one Hue Hub?