Hubitat Z-Wave Plus Certification ID

I have a Z-Wave lock. Has zero issues on Hubitat. Never has had any. What device specifically are you referring to?


Please read the thread.

I've read every post and I agree with almost all of them. I see this from both viewpoints. Perception is reality.

Regarding the Schlage locks. I've stated this multiple times. I have been able to pair my locks on all other platforms except HE. Why this is I really don't know. I had no problem pairing with Wink or Ring. Had some trouble with ST but nothing I would complain about. Tried for a few days to pair them with HE and finally gave up. Eventually paired them with Ring, on the first attempt and haven't looked into it further. I got them working the way I need them to and haven't looked back.

Since this is a hobby for me and the entry point was sub $100 I'm fine with it. I really enjoy HE but in my opinion it's not for the casual user. Plug and play it is not.


I think it's funny the thread was moved to "Debate Chamber".... anyways.

Please. This is not a HE bashing thread.

It's to take a serious look at why some z-wave devices are not working correctly when they should and they do with other platforms. People can point at mesh problems or other things but it makes no logical sense when something works with gateway A and then does not with gateway B and all of the devices are still the same.

Just today another thread was posted about this same issue:

Yes the device is a Schlage lock and the current goto is the firmware. Again this doe not explain why it works in gateway A but not B. This thread also has a valve listed as a problem device.

To reiterate this is not a bashing thread but to take a real look at a problem that does exist.


I second that 100%, my intent is to get a solution, not to bash HE. However, we will never find a solution if few continually remove the possibility that HE "could have" a problem with their complete obedience to defending it at all costs.

It completely saddens me the amount of people I've seen leave this platform (like the other post you linked to) over the last year solely because the locks issue has not been resolved.

I agree. There's better ways to solve problems then declaring that, since up to this point Hubitat has not gone through a very structured (doesn't encompass every possible variable) certification process, that's the issue.

Do I know anything about Schlage locks? NO. Do I care about why Schlage locks don't work on HE? Not really. Before I bought my lock, I looked at what people were complaining about the least on both the Hubitat and the SmartThings forums and then I tried it. Lucky me, it worked perfect every time I joined it and it has never let me down. I have a repeater now, but for a long time I didn't and it still worked perfectly. What does that prove? It proves my lock works perfectly, and that has about as much to do with anything as the Schlage does for not working properly on HE, but working on other platforms.

You can find threads and posts of people having problems with devices on certified controllers. The certification means nothing to whether a specific device works with HE or not. I can keep giving examples, but at this point they don't seem to be making any difference. But I'll give one more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Stacey Higgenbotham, host of the Internet of Thing Podcast. She's had more different devices come across her desk than most of us on here. Even has Schlage as a sponsor of her show, yet I do recall her saying that the first Schlage lock they sent her wouldn't join to her SmartThings hub. They had to send out a replacement. So what does that prove :man_shrugging:

Things don't always work as planned on ANY platform. The point is to follow the recommendations to an absolute T and then you maybe have something to complain about. But if it's just that a certain device doesn't work, then for goodness sake, try another device type or manufacturers. Stop claiming that all other platforms are the bees knees. It's just not true.

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I happen to agree with both sides of the "debate" and think that this has been a fairly healthy discussions from both points of view. That being said...the reactions to disagreement has been less than stellar from some. Say that this is DEFINTELY a SOFTWARE issue or this is DEFINTELY a HARDWARE issue and those that disagree are haters or mindless fanboys is NOT productive. People are passionate about the sides of the story but let's keep the comments based on experience. Sometimes being too sure of yourself can end in embarrassment (speaking from experience here). Be open to either possibility.

My experience tells me that like all things, it's probably a combination of the 2. My schlage lock worked perfectly on ST but required a lot more initial work to get stable on HE. Does that mean that software is the issue...not necessarily...but it supports the case. I did get it to be stable on HE with repeaters.

When I moved to Hassio...guess what...same reliability issues were seen..therefore 2 software platforms with the same issue. Does that mean, that the hardware is the issue...not necessarily..but it supports the case.

I found the "solution". I bought the zigbee version of the schlage lock (@jeubanks, is not going to like this :rofl:). I know it's not really a solution but I've given up on zwave because for ME, it's just too problematic to keep stable. I have had a lot more success and WAF since I started moving my devices over to zigbee...again, just MY experience that works in MY environment.


Yeah... not so much a solution :slight_smile:


Solution is defined as "a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation"

Difficult situation: WAF is low . Unhappy Wife. Unhappy Life
Problem: I tell her to do things a certain and way and certain things should happen. She does...they do not.
Cause: Locks do not respond to commands.
Action: replace zwave with zigbee locks
Result: Problem and Difficult Situation go away

Solution = Action = put in zigbee locks

Lock Logic dear Watson. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Truly trying to understand. Why do you have a dislike for Zigbee?

  • It works well.
    It self-heals.
    It's inexpensive.
    It's very good on batteries.
    It supports group messaging to lightbulbs.
    It's being selected as the primary device protocol by more and more consumer IoT companies than ever before.
    The specification is evolving (as any healthy protocol should).
    It can be used worldwide without having to have a different radio for different regions.

Missing what's so terrible about it?


Replace wife not an option? J/K


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :thinking: :joy:

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Always an option, but much more expensive!


What is the distance between your hub and your lock?

Also were you able to pair that lock in place when you joined it?

So, I've been with Hubitat about 2 years now (officially ordered it on March 12th, 2018) but in these two years its only in the past 6 months or so that I have noticed an uptick in complaints/debates about locks (including from myself).

This is totally just from my observance of the forum threads and I have no data to justify anything such as how many locks vs z-wave vs zigbee etc.

But I'm only mentioning this as I wonder if there was an change along the way that caused an issue?

Again, totally just an observation.

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10 feet. My hub is under my stairs, so there's one major object in the way.

Yes. Lock mounted to the door. Join and Excluded many times to learn about Z-Wave (was my first Z-Wave device). No problem.

Until the problem is admitted we will never get "a" solution

Also should be looking for route cause not 'a' solution

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I would highly suspect that is why you are in the no problems here crowd. Once I moved my hub that close to my lock (to a lock I could not pair in place and had to remove for pairing) my problems went away also.

Just an anecdoctal thought.

Told the wife the same thing. Good thing I have a big screen tv in the doghouse with cable.


Whom should admit there's a problem? This thread is going round and round. So far off the point, which was Hubitat isn't Z-Wave certified. That somehow was turned into, because Hubitat isn't Z-Wave certified, then that's the issue. So many that have tons of real world experience with driver and firmware development understand it is in fact not correct, but are being disregarded anyway. That's now just being rejected and now it seems that people are suggesting that there's some kind of coverup :roll_eyes:

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