Hubitat™ Safety Monitor - Water -> Shutoff Valve

I recently converted from ST to Hubitat and setup the Hubitat™ Safety Monitor.

Well I just had a water leak and realized that Hubitat did not shutoff my water valve. After a closer look, it turns out there is no way to command a valve when water is detected. Right now it can only send a text, speak a message, trigger an siren, or control the lights.

Can you add a feature to control a water valve if water is detected?

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Just a reminder that you can easily make an RM rule to close the valve, too.

They have stated before that HSM is really geared around monitoring, not control. Thus the 'M' in HSM instead of 'C', I guess.

Doesn't hurt to request it, though. I would like to see that option, too.

I see under lights that I can select my Valve, however there is no option to turn a light off. Only a rule to turn a light on.

So if there was an option to turn a light off, I could select my valve.

I really dislike RM. It takes 10 rules to do what I could with one piston. And it gets very confusing to figure out what is wrong when the rules are not working.

I agree that complex RM cascades are difficult to troubleshoot.

But this is a very simple one, so no reason not to do it in rm.

Any Water = close valve. Doesn't get much simpler than that. Could even use the HSM water detected alarm as the trigger.

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I definitely suggest RM for your emergency water scenarios. It's nice to have all the flexibility you may need. For instance, I get notifications once a leak sensor triggers, separate notification on water valve closing and another command to turn my well pump off.

I don't have a rule, just a trigger works fine.


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I do it as a trigger too. I don't want it re-opening automatically. I want that to be a human initiated action.

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Does the %device% provide the name of the device that detected the water? Or the name of the valve that was closed?

Does this work with text messages as well as speak?

Yes, device wet name.

Yes, you can add text message, I don't have it there because anyway HSM will send it with the water alert.

I don't have a problem with adding a RM rule for this, but then my next question would be, What is the purpose of Hubitat Safety Monitor if the solution is to do everything in RM?

It seems silly to implement 95% of the solution in Safety Monitor and leave the remaining 5% for RM.

I think I suggested to add the turn off, and to eliminate the mandatory dimmer setting, like 100%, a button to leave the lights on it's dimmer setting(if it was at 50% red then just leave it alone), but those suggestions must have backup from more users...

I don't think anyone is trying to say your feature request isn't valid. It 100% makes sense to have HSM offer the ability to close a valve.

I think the replies are simply meant to help show you how to achieve the missing functionality until such time that the HE team decides to add this to HSM.

I agree with you 100% that this capability should be in HSM.

On the flip side of the coin, is there benefits to utilizing RM over Safety Monitor?

If Safety Monitor provided all the functions I need, would I be better off implementing this in RM?

Like I said in the beginning I am newly migrated and still trying to figure out the best way to implement my routines.

Water in HSM will give you an alert in HSM that only clicking cancel button will end it, in RM you get an alert in the phone or speaker but no cancel button required. You can use RM if you like, no difference in how the process is completed, just different apps