Hubitat’s 2020 roadmap

Is there a 2020 roadmap posted somewhere ?

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In several past threads they have mentioned they don’t publicly release roadmaps.


In addition to what @marktheknife said, my perspective on this is simplistic. I purchased my HEs with a certain feature-set that they had.

Hubitat is a commercial enterprise and for various reasons (including competition), they may find it prudent to keep their plans to themselves.

Even if their future plans don't meet my needs, my already purchased hardware will continue to do so ('til death do us part - either the hubs or me :joy:).


Even though it would be “nice to know” some of what they have planned in 2020, if I were them I would keep things super vague (to the point of it not being particular informative to users).

What happens when they say “on 6/1/2020 at 9:00am EST we will have a functioning hub migration tool,” but then at 9:01am on that day they have been unable to follow through on that due to unforeseen (but entirely valid) circumstances?

I think there would be at least a couple people taking to the forum to demand the migration tool they were promised but was not delivered at the exact moment mentioned in the announcement.


The roadmaps given to customers are rarely ever that specific. They're several orders of magnitude more vague, like "we hope to release XYZ in Q3 of this year".

If it's the end of Q3 and XYZ hasn't materialized, there's simply an announcement that ABC took longer to release so XYZ is now delayed to late Q4. And so on and so on.

If they are that specific, then management learns a hard lesson about how not to promise deliverables.

One of the best examples of that in recent history was Wink announcing in March 2019 that a major announcement would be made on May 15, 2019. The major announcement was the addition of 16 "new" compatible products. All of which were already compatible with Wink ......

Leading to comments such as those below on the winkhub sub-reddit.



Which is why I find roadmaps to be of questionable value in the first place :slightly_smiling_face:.

Since Hubitat staff are really great at engaging with users here in the online community, I find it much more helpful to listen to what they have to say in specific threads, which provides a (very) general sense of what they’re planning/prioritizing.




Roadmaps are useless. They have to be watered down and uncommitted otherwise customers will get pissed off by even the slightest delays or changes in those plans.

Have a look at SmartThings between 2015-2016.. Tons of promises and bold statements and very little actual delivery.

We do know that there’s a new hub coming. So there’s a partial roadmap.


In my younger days, I would have loved to drive that road!


Why do you have to be young for that? Looks like a good time


Sadly, sometimes my desires and reflexes are in different time zones :grinning:


Would be a hoot in the Miata.


Personal preference would be an oldie - 1965 Triumph Herald. With a 948cc engine, it would have to be downhill, though :grinning:


I had a 1961 Triumph Herald 1200cc coupe back in the day :grinning:

Sadly, the chassis was more rust than metal and it failed it's MOT test so badly it had to be scrapped :cry:

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I loved driving my Herald. I looked into buying this one in the mid-2000s, but the owner had zero interest in selling :slightly_frowning_face:


A quick google reveals that mine would be worth around ÂŁ8000 now, if I'd had it repaired and then looked after it :slightly_frowning_face:

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(Totally off topic.)
I still have and drive a 62 TR3B.


I have a 1974 chrome bumper MGB roadster if anyone wants one :slight_smile:

Doesn’t even need an mot now!

And in terms of C7 hardware?
I really can’t say :wink:
(Just to bring the thread back a bit closer to topic)