Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial) not working

My Ring Integration (Unofficial) broke a few weeks ago, it seems! I have repaired the app via Package Manager, I am successfully logged in; I can see the child devices in the device list but nothing under App's own discovery. but none of the devices (for ex - contact sensors) are logging back. **

I am seeing following errors in the logs. Any suggestions?

I now have the same exact issue - started last night - but in my case I do see all devices in Hubitat but no notifiactions are being received from any of the Ring devices.
Anyone else face this issue? Did the integration got broken with Ring API?

Do you have a screenshot of any errors in your logs?
In the OPs it seems like the account doesn't have any devices associated.

in my case all devices exist but only notifications stopped working using the standard polling (Not IFTTT).

No errors in the logs