Hubitat port requirements (general/update use)?

I've already contacted support and awaiting an answer, but figured I'd post it here, too, for reference.

Is there a port range that is needed for the Hubitat to function? I'm on FiOS and have struggled to successfully diverge the Quantum modem/router. So I'm double NAT'd (I know, I know...) behind my Google Wifi setup.

Was hoping I could take the simple way out and forward some ports.

What are you trying to do? You don’t need to forward any ports, right now it’s not recommended given there is no login to access your hub. It’s best to VPN into your network to access the web interface.

If you are trying to access dashboards remotely, that app has an Oauth interface and uses the Hubitat Cloud service to remotely access your hub. No port forwarding is necessary. Links to the cloud URL is included when you setup the dashboard.

I'm just trying to set up the device. Behind my Google Wifi (my entire network is behind it), the Hubitat cannot get set up. I moved the Hubitat in front of the Google Wifi onto the Verizon router and it got started w/o issue. I'm not trying to reach it remotely or anything.

Just didn't know what it was trying to do that would prevent it from getting set up in the first place.

OK so you are struggling with initial setup. Support and @bobbyD can help get you squared away.

Yeah, he's asking already :slight_smile: Mostly wanted to put this out here in the event someone else is in the same boat.

Ideally, I go back and try to properly bypass the Verizon router, but it's been a pain.

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There have been a few reports by users that their routers were blocking. Cujo apparently is an issue, but only on initial setup. Sounds like we might also add Google WiFi to that list. I think many of the Mesh WiFI systems might also potentially cause and issue.

The best advice seems to be, connect it directly to your ISP modem/router on initial setup, but after that, you seem to be able to attach it behind another router or firewall such as Cujo and it's fine.

Thanks for sharing.

This is a completely delayed response as it just hit me last night... while I have Google Wifi, I don't actually have a mesh set up. It's just one device right now. Not to say it's not the issue, but just another variable into the mix.

It’ll be the firewall with any of these. Won’t make a difference it it’s one or multiple. I have a single Deco M5. I don’t remember what, but something notified me that port 8080 was blocked (for that particular instance anyway).

When I setup my Hubitat, I had an different router that was about 5 years old.

What did you get figured out with this? I am in a similar situation. I was able to find it by going directly to my ISP router, but after registering it and disconnecting it I lost it. I cannot find it when running through a switch off my google router or by reconnecting to my ISP router. I'm waiting on Support to get back to me still. Thanks!

You'll really want to create a static IP reservation in whatever device you use for dhcp.. usually your ISP supplied router/wifi.

The MAC address of your Hubitat is on the bottom, sticky label. Create that entry and reboot the Hub. It will then find the reserved IP and you'll be able to find it.

This is one of those things that would be perfect for "Thanks for your Hubitat Elevation Order. While you wait for delivery, please create a DHCP reservation..." I know it would be ideal if the message contained you pre-assigned MAC but unlikely :slight_smile:

I think it sometimes takes us a while to find the instructions for our specific ISP supplied router to even find the right page to create the reservation. Even a dummy reservation using bogus MAC would help, because it's always faster the 2nd time to find the page.

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You have two routers? You know that HE will only be able to see things within it's own subnet, right? So, if you are running two routers (and I don't know why you would) then anything on the other router will most likely not be able to be seen by Hubitat. Might want to consider making one router just an access point and letting the other do all the router "stuff" like DHCP reservations.

Well I have 2 routers because the router/modem from my ISP (US Cellular LTE modem/router) is terrible as a WiFi router.

But they’re not both set to function as routers are they? Your ISP device should be configured to act as your router, with the other device configured as a WiFi access point.

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Exactly my point. If both devices are set up as routers, you basically have created two separate networks and devices from one won't be accessible to devices on the other. You are confusing router and access point. Your Wifi device doesn't have to be a router, it can just be an access point. Basically, it provides the wifi connection and then plugs into your ISP router via a network cable. But you would want to disable the DHCP settings on your wifi "router" (now really just an access point) and allow what you're calling your ISP router to be your only router, creating the network and giving everybody their addresses. Then everyone will be in one happy network and able to talk to each other.

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You just solved the issue that's been killing me since pulling the HE out of it's box. After following the letter my portal was not finding my hub. Following your process here- boom- zero delay. Thank you csteele, Developer and internet stranger.

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WHOOPS, i take part of that back. got the MAC address, now the local address, but Hubitat's web setup page is timing out; server not found.

Grrr... I go to bed.