Hubitat playing up

Just installed Hub Information driver and doesn't look like its running out of memory. Any other ideas?

That's the amount of free memory that you have at that moment.
use the following command to find out the amount of free memory that you had when the hub crashed:
(where hub = your hub's ip address).
It's the state of your free memory when the system crashed that is the question.
Also, what firmware version are you using?

Its always crashed as in it is playing up all the time and never works properly. Doesn't change modes and the rules are not working correctly and its very consistent. e.g - one of the lights would turn on but not turn off every time the door is opened and closed. See the screenshots above for the logs.

Well, if you can narrow the problem down to a particular rule that isn't working, (or isn't working all the time), then I would concentrate on that rule and turn on all the logging for that rule and that rule only.
To turn on the logging for a particular rule:
towards the bottom of the page of the rule:

turn on logging of events, triggers and actions.
when you have executed a rule (like someone is opening a door), go to the logs and work through the events, triggers and actions and see what didn't happen.

Sometimes there is no magic bullet and only head down slogging through logs will get you your answer.

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I am using 'Simple automation rules' for that rule but don't seem to have those options but I have turned on what I have in there.

So this is what it shows in the logs and there doesn't seem to be anything about why it's not turning off.