Hubitat Package Manager Shows 2 Versions Installed

My Hubitat Package Manager shows 2 versions installed, for example under Updates.

Any way to clean this up?

Try that potential solution. :smiley:


It's says that page is private.

This what that post says/looks like.

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In the un-match pick list, it just has two entries for Hubitat Package Manager. It doesn't list the versions, but if I inspect the HTML of that page, I see:

<option value="">Hubitat Package Manager</option>
<option value="">Hubitat Package Manager</option>

Which one do I remove? I should also share that this is what I see when I open the app:

I'm on V1.9.3 and the import url is as follows. Not sure this helps.

importUrl: "",

Yes, that helps. I can see that is the old version. I removed that and now I'm good. Thanks all!

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Pick both to UnMatch.
On exiting HPM, it will correct itself for itself. :slight_smile:

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So I think it's working just removing the first entry, the one.

Yes if you pick the correct one to remove and another does not show up again then you are fine. It is easiest to just remove both when you are not sure, and then it fixes itself.

Also make sure you get HPM updated to the current version.

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Got it. Thanks!