Hubitat Package Manager Removal Q

Hubitat Package Manager seems to take up a lot of state size (twice anything else I run) and is a bit chatty...

If I remove it...will it find the same programs if I reinstall it?

I have a C8 Pro and was looking at stats after I started seeing some hub overload warnings.

I wouldn't expect hpm to contribute consistently to hub load, as it would only be doing anything when you are using it or an automated check for updates is running. I wouldn't expect the state size to be a concern either.

I do believe you can run a matching process to pick up existing drivers and apps.

Some screenshots would help and I expect @csteele will be the person to comment definitively.

Also, hpm is not a built-in app, it's a custom app, so you may want to adjust the category of the topic.


You may be misinterpreting the statistics. HPM really isn’t “chatty” except at midnight, when it sees if new packages have been added. Otherwise, it just sleeps unless you are actively doing an update.

As far as state size goes, I don’t understand the issue. It’s only paged in when it runs. You bought your hub to do useful things, and HPM is probably the most useful app, other than Rule Machine, on the hub.

It’s hard for me to see how HPM could be causing hub overload warnings. I would look elsewhere. Post some screenshots, as suggested above, and perhaps we can figure out the issue.


Agreed, can't remember hearing that HPM was causing significant problems. Combined w/the fact that it's just about the most useful app available, it is not an app I would remove.

You could find majority of the apps on the developer's github and do manual installs, but then you're also signing up for manual updates...


I've never heard of HPM contributing to any hub load or latency issues. As others have mentioned, HPM does nothing unless it's telling you it's doing something :smiley: If you click Install, Update, Modify, Update, Repair and so on, yes, HPM does exactly what it's telling you it's doing. Let's imagine you click Update and HPM will go compare all of your HPM-managed-code to their repository's values. It will then present a list of updates available or not. HPM is doing nothing at that point, it's waiting for human intervention then, even if that's a day later, it will do what you told it to do and go back to doing nothing. HPM has a daily configurable time when it will compare all of your HPM-managed-code to their repository's values:

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 1.03.31 PM

HPM does cache the Manifest and at this time, it's 53k and that reduces the time HPM spends gathering that information with every click. There's 155 contributors of 650 packages, so far.


Thanks everyone. I'm just trimming everything I can as good housekeeping. I'm not thinking this is the root cause of the overload.

A lot of good info...but does anyone know the answer to my question?

"If I remove it...will it find the same programs if I reinstall it?"

Or only things installed after re-installing it. I don't need to check every day.

You can remove it and reinstall it and it will do the exact same process, read in every manifest (all 650) and then compare your installed list to it. HPM will then offer a list and you can choose which packages you want HPM to manage this time around.

When you remove HPM, you are explicitly telling it you no longer want it managing your code. Everything HPM knows at that moment, is discarded.


Thanks. I do love it...but may delete it for a while.

Won't help... won't hurt. :slight_smile:

Except when you bring it back, you'll have to spend those 2 mins revalidating. :smiley: