Hi all.
I'm having an issue with updating anything in the HPM (1.8.8): when I select any app to update it gives me this error => "Error logging in to hub. An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.""
I mention that I've recently changed my Hub admin password but even if I disable Hub Security login I still get this error in HPM when trying to update anything. Also if I try to repair the HPM itself I get the same error.
I've emptied the browser cache, tried several browsers, accessing the hub from Windows or Mac I can't pass this error.
Anybody have any suggestions?
Thanks and looking forward tp hearing from you soon!
It’s saying that you have Hub Security on but have not given it (HPM) the username and password (under Settings) to enable it to log in.
Hi thebearmay and thanks for your fast reply.
Indeed that was the matter.
I've updated the new password in the HPM settings and working now.
I completely forgot that hub username and password must be fed into HPM and this was not that clear from the error message so perhaps the devs should update a bit this error message to make it clear that the credentials are wrong in the HPM itself.
Have an interesting day!
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