Hubitat OpenSource Driver Repository - Let's Vote!

As others have said, this has been asked for multiple times, and Hubitat has made it very clear it won't happen.

While it never hurts to ask, it does hurt to ask for the same thing over and over after you've been told "no".

(by "you've" I mean the community as a royal "you", not the OP in particular)


I agree with you, it is their choice to open source their code, my argument is: how can you expect them to open source their code if they don't respect the open source community as is.

What they don't have a choice in is following the requirements of the open source code they use. The way I see it, there are 2 possibilities. First possibility is that they don't know that they need to list the projects that they use and include disclaimers and license information, if this is the case then I agree with @syepes that they can "close the house" because a company that has no idea what the license requirements of the software they use is a very poorly run business. The other possibility is that they do know what the requirements are and they have chosen to ignore them, this is what I mean when I say that they don't believe in open source. They have no problem using it but when it comes down to actually meeting the requirements of use, apparently they don't care.



That they got an actual legal opinion and are following THAT advice. :slight_smile:


I suspect there are more possibilities than you listed. I don't know what they might be but watching the Hubitat folks work for the last two years I am convinced of at least two things:

  1. They do care
  2. They are not naive



I'm sure the EFF would like to hear that one.

I'm sure they care about their customers, its the open source code that they are using unattributed that is the problem.

The recent admission by Bruce would negate that.

I suppose they could continue to feign ignorance, but how long will that last? They have been asked for these attributions more than once and still have not responded. My request was made 19 days ago. What is a reasonable time frame for this considering they've been in business for over 3 years?


I don't see how your example proves differently.

I'll stop here, I don't see the benefit of dragging out this thread.


Actually, you missed. We have been aware of this issue, and have taken steps to offer the desired documentation. That effort got sidetracked recently due to resource constraints. Our tardiness in making this available in no way reflects our attitudes about open source software. We do care about open source, as obviously we are a beneficiary of it. The list will be published.

We have our business reasons for keeping the source code that we have developed closed.

This topic has run its useful course.