Hubitat Mobile App Released

It's optional if you already inside an application in settings, but it still required when app is in process of installation, otherwise it won't run and always ask to enable location services. If it's hard to implement then forget about it. It's easy to disable location services in Android settings

Looks like I found a bug. When I tried to install the app on the tablet(Samsung S3) I got an error:
For input string: myPhone
MyPhone is the label of the phone I've installed the app before. If I click Ok I get a message:
Please wait "Fetching user data" and spinning circle, which runs until is clicked on. When I clicked on Add New Device button at the bottom of the page application hanged.
Mobile device for tablet was not created as a result.

After I've cleared app cache and data the app is not hanging anymore, but the error persist.

Thanks, the entire email address needs to be lower case, then it works. Just the first letter was upper the first time I tried it due auto capitalization on iOS.

Just have a feature request: If I load local dashboard, can it remember to do it again when I tap the dashboard nav?

In a similar note, is there any way to detect home wifi; then use local dashboards, otherwise use cloud? Cloud is so slow to load :frowning:

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Add me to list for wanting Multiple Geo Locations as this is something I missed from the mobile app webCoRE had before it stopped working on Android 9.0.


So how does geo location work? How often does it update your location?

See this explanation by @patrick

It never updates your location. It only marks the presence state present or not present.

The mobile app determines the location and circle. If the device crosses that line either in or out of it, it then just sends entered or exited to the hub.

You were working on a similar issue earlier with @arnb but it seemed like you had to do something on your end to fix it. I added my wife to our hub and signed into her app and it hung on searching for mobile devices, once I force closed the app and got in it created a mobile device for her but that device doesn’t send a notification when I test it. I tried logging off and back on but that just created a duplicate mobile device so I removed both and logged out and back in so there is only one device but it still doesn’t work when I test it. Thanks

I' m at work, my dashboard spinning 15 minutes !?! I reboot my Note 9, now on the screen :

Does it say Cloud Dashboards or Local Dashboards on the top of your screen?

NM, mine doesn't behave that way whether local or cloud is selected, even when I am on cellular (cloud)

On the screen : Click to local dashboard, that's' mean I on Cloud dashboard ? Thanks.

On iOS they are separate buttons. On Android it's a toggle. Tap on Cloud Dashboards, and if you're on your local network, then you should see your local dashboards and the Heading will change to "Local Dashboards".

@SmartHomePrimer, I' m not at home now.

So then Cloud Dashboards will be all you can access.

But Cloud Dashboards still spinning, 2 hours, didn't load !!!. I log out, then log in on my phone, same problem. Only Geofence and setting working ???

And cloud dashboards are accessible from a mobile browser on your phone?

New app on Google play.

Sorry don't understand. If you open a mobile browser, such as Chrome, can you use the dashboard cloud link to get to your dashboards? If not, you'll need to get that baseline functionality working when you get home.

I download this new release Hubitat Mobile app on Google Play. Not a mobile browser.

Yes, I understand you've downloaded the new mobile app and you're not able to access the cloud dashboards from it.

What I am trying to establish is if you can use the mobile link you send from the Hubitat Dashboard app menu and use a mobile web browser to view the cloud dashboard. This was always a capability before the mobile app was released. If you couldn't do that before, then you won't be able to do it now. You need to go back to basics and confirm that the cloud dashboard is accessible at all.

When you get home, follow this second of the Dashboard docs and send the mobile link to you phone. If you tap on that mobile link from you phone, it should open a dashboard on your phone in a web browser, allowing you to access your dashboards though the cloud using mobile data (even if your WiFi is off).®_Dashboard#Configure_Dashboard_App_Menu

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